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- Energy Efficiency Organizations & Government Programs
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- Energy Supply and Demand Statistics

With thanks to Ian Theaker for providing and maintaining the EDRS
energy resource links.

B.C. Electricity Market Reform: Policy Recommendations November 2001
Paper prepared and submitted by the Independent Power Association of BC (IPABC) on November 1, 2001. A copy has been sent to each of the top dozen energy related Ministers and Caucus Chairs, each MLA, and to the Chairman or Senior Executive of several key government electricity related agencies.

    "The Policy Recommendations in the Paper espouse clear principles and provides a strong platform upon which more specific recommendations can be made, once the Task Force issues it's Draft Energy Policy on November 30."
    Regards, Steve Davis
    President, IPABC


The BC Sustainable Energy Association
BC SEA is a non-profit association of citizens, professionals and practitioners, committed to promoting the understanding, development, and adoption of sustainable energy and energy conservation and efficiency in British Columbia.

Their vision is a future in which all of BC’s energy comes from clean, renewable, efficient sources, for electricity, transport, and all other purposes, respecting the integrity of nature and the needs of humans and other species and their habitat, both now and in future generations, and in which BC becomes a net exporter of clean, renewable energy.

A particularly useful feature of this website is a directory of sustainable energy.

US DOEs EREN - US Department of Energys' Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network
The centre of the Web for energy efficiency and renewable energy research and information, covering industry and transportation, as well as buildings.
ERENs alphabetical listing of EE/RE internet sites ( is the most comprehensive available on the Web circa 2001, but unfortunately is not annotated, and can be overwhelming to those who don't already know where they want to go.
ERENs technology Fact Sheets (
) introduce a wide variety of topics for the general reader, but are somewhat uneven and not very useful to technical folk.

GBIC - Green Building Information Council
Supported by Natural Resources Canada's C2000 program, the GBIC and its president, Dr. Ray Cole of the UBC School of Architecture, have been central sparkplugs driving the seminal Green Building Challenge conferences. The site, edited by Nils Larsen of NRCan, is primarily an index for green and energy-efficient building resources, but also allows ordering of the GBC proceedings - one of the best sources on performance of green buildings globally. The GBIC also publishes the Advanced Buildings Newsletter bimonthly; the website has .pdf files of past issues available for free download. The GBIC site hosts - an excellent resource on green building technologies and approaches, in its "Advanced Buildings Technologies and Practices" section; with case studies, technology summaries and contacts - home page for Natural Resources Canada's Buildings Group, which develops software tools to support energy-efficient building design.

Center for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies (CREST)
An excellent introduction to renewable energy technologies and information, CREST is strongest on breaking news; but also has brief introductions to RE technologies, with links to more detailed information resources. Formerly known as "Solstice', the new CREST site hosts several of the best building energy listservs, including the Green Building, Green Power and StrawBale lists as well as several bioenergy lists. CREST is complete with search engine that includes its site and its' listserv archives.

University of Rochester District Energy WWW Virtual Library
Part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library, this site focuses on District Energy Systems: combined heat & power, district heating and cooling, and energy storage. Site includes brief summaries of issues, publications, district energy projects and WWW information resources.

City of Santa Monica Green Buildings Design & Construction Guidelines Resource List
Conflict of Interest Declaration! I headed the team (with David Rousseau and Ray Cole, among others) that created Santa Monicas GB Guidelines. We tried very hard to make them as useful as possible to time-pressed design and construction professionals. Covering Siting and Form, Landscape, Transportation, Envelope/Space Planning, Materials, Water, Electrical, HVAC and Control Systems, as well as Construction Management and Commissioning, each chapter has a discussion of its topic, an annotated information resource list, and (most important) Recommended Practices that succintly illustrate and summarize most GB design approaches. While it's tailored to what works in the coastal Southern California climate, I'd say that most of the design advice is useful anywhere. Available for free download as one or several .pdf files, the site also includes an annotated WWW resource list.


CMHC - Canadian Housing and Mortgage Corporation
The CMHC is Canada's premier source for research and information on housing design and energy-efficiency, and (deservedly) world-renowned in northern home design. Their website is comprehensive, with sections on house markets; purchasing a house; construction, renovation and maintenance; and mortgage insurance (a central function of the CMHC), among others.

Of particular interest to green house designers, builders and prospective owners:

Housing Innovations

Summaries of latest information on new house construction technique. The Water Conservation section is particularly good.

Highrises & Multiples

The Highrise & Multiples Innovation Group at CMHC examines and promotes research into issues surrounding highrise construction, operation, maintenance and repair. The link to their excellent "Best Practice Guides" summarises the documents and CDs available (for a price); these typically include technical information as well as print and AutoCad details. The "Better Building Fact Sheets" are profusely illustrated 4-page case studies aimed at building owners and managers, focussed on improvements to multi-unit housing buildings. The "Building Innovation" link lists Canadian and international case studies.

CHIC - Canadian Housing Information Centre
Current Housing Research
Current and past issues of "Current Housing Research" are available for free .pdf download at this URL. "Current Housing Research" is a journal produced three times a year by the Canadian Housing Information Centre, listing research undertaken and sponsored by the CMHC. Each edition contains information on completed research reports, new publications, videos and bibliographies, as well as planned and ongoing research projects. An alphabetical title index of items listed is included at the end for quick reference. This is the most comprehensive and accessible listing of Canadian housing research available - and an excellent (indispensable?) resource.

Research Reports Listing
This page lists CMHC research documents (free to Canadian citizens); topics range from acoustics to HVAC to water conservation. Download a .pdf page, check off the publications you'd like, and email it to the CHIC at [email protected]. They mail you the paper documents within a day or so. Excellent resource, excellent service!

ACCESS-CMHC - Canadian Housing Information Centre Online Catalog
accmhc/ accmhc_001.cfm

The CHIC is a terrific resource on all aspects of housing. While there is a CMHC office in Vancouver, this covers their entire 75,000 volume collection; unfortunately searching their catalog requires using Telnet, and a (free) username and password. This site offers a manual that shows how to use the catalog.

Research Highlights
en/rh-pr/ index.html

Index of CMHCs Research Highlights: brief, semi-technical summaries of CMHC research papers.

Natural Resources Canada Office of Energy Efficiency
The Office of Energy Efficiency has prime responsibility for policy and technology development for energy conservation in Canada, under Natural Resources Canada's wing. Their site is a good resource for Canadian statistics, and information on federal policy and programs aimed at energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction. Their "Document Search" database lists NRCAN publications and case studies, available for free download: Especially informative documents include the "Energy Use in Canada" web page; "Energy Efficiency Trends in Canada, 1990 to 1998"; "The State of Energy Efficiency in Canada - OEE report, October 2000"; and, for designers and researchers, their "Publications and Products Catalogue - Spring 2001".

NRCan/OEE Programs is the OEEs index to Federal government energy-efficiency programs. The ones I find most useful are:

CBIP - Commercial Buildings Incentive Program
Natural Resources Canada's Commercial Building Incentive Program (CBIP) offers financial incentives for incorporation of energy efficiency features in new commercial/institutional building designs. With incentives (July 2001) of 2x annual energy cost savings (as compared to an MNECB-compliant design), up to a maximum of $60,000, this program is one of the best the Federal Government is currently administering. The site provides free download of EE4, the DOE 2.1e-based energy simulation software specifically designed for CBIP use.

R2000 - Energy-efficient Housing

The venerable R-2000 Program encourages the building of healthy, environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient houses. House builders volunteer to build to the R-2000 standard, which exceeds the efficiency level required by building codes and other regulations. This site has a variety of publications on the R2000 program - but little technical detail. For the numbers and details on energy-efficient housing, the CMHC (above) is a much better resource.

Energy Innovators Program
The Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) helps commercial businesses and public institutions explore energy efficiency options and strategies, offering a variety of of tools, services and financial incentives, delivered through an Energy Innovators Officer who will be assigned to work with EII members. The EII offfers financial incentives, and information support to Canadian businesses that reduce their energy consumption.

FBI - Federal Buildings Initiative
The FBI's job is to promote private-public sector partnerships to plan and implement cost-effective facility upgrades and retrofits. This site has a short list of case studies, and a variety of FBI documents.

EnerGuide is the source of the energy-efficiency labels on much Canadian equipment. This site summarizes energy considerations for comparison-shopping for energy-efficient appliances, residential heating and cooling equipment, vehicles, housing products and housing in Canada - but, unfortunately, does not have comprehensive comparisons of EnerGuide ratings.

CANMET CEDRL - Canadian Energy Diversification Research Laboratory
The CANMET Energy Diversification Research Laboratory's (CEDRL) mission is to develop and promote innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. It carries out applied R&D in heat management, renewable energy and hybrid systems. Its site has a variety of downloadable research and industry overview documents focussed on Canadian renewable energy applications (free); and free download of RETSCREEN software suite, for feasibility screening and design of renewable energy applications

CANMET CETC - Canadian Energy Technology Centre
htmldocs/ about_us_e.html

The CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) is one of Canada's primary research organizations into energy, science and technology. The key research arm of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) the CETC works with private and other public sector partners to develop and deploy leading-edge energy products and processes for most sectors of the Canadian economy. Their website publications are oriented mostly toward industrial energy-efficiency, with a few offerings on buildings (mostly federal government program documentation).

US-EPA Energy Star
Similar to (but more comprehensive than) Canada's EnerGuide program, the US Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star program independently tests and rates a variety of products, houses and buildings for their energy-efficiency merits. The site lists products and ratings in downloadable .pdf files or Excel spreadsheets. Good place for comparison shopping for a wide variety of equipment and products. EnergySmart Schools has a number of resources for energy education in K-12 schools.

US Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Founded by a bipartisan group of members of the US Congress in 1984, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute provides timely information and policy debate on major environmental and energy issues. Policy discussion papers cover Energy and Climate, Sustainable Communities, Transportation, and Economic and Fiscal Policy Reform.

EEBA- Energy & Environmental Building Association
The US-based EEBA promotes the awareness, education and development of energy efficient, environmentally responsible buildings and communities, with diverse and talented member architects, builders, developers, manufacturers, engineers, utilities, code officials, researchers, educators, and environmentalists. It publishes some of the best reference books on quality green building construction, including Joe Lstibureks' EEBA Builder's Guides (which no technical building library should be without); available through their online bookstore. The site includes a member directory, and a very good resource list (unannotated, but check out their Green Building Resources:

Energy Design Resources
An excellent site sponsored by Southern California utilities, EDR is aimed at building design professionals and technicians. The site has - excellent "Design Briefs" in .pdf form for free download; covering integrated design process, HVAC, lighting and daylighting and control systems. These are brief(15-30 pages), well-written and illustrated - useful to junior engineers & technicians, as well as architects and non-technical readers. Their "Skylighting Guide", though tailored to California conditions, could be used as a textbook. - biweekly .pdf newsletter and archive. Newsletters maintain the same quality as the Design Briefs, but are more readable for non-techies - downloadable software for members, covering daylighting design, schematic building design, and life-cycle cost analysis. Its Links index is both selective and well-annotated (though largely redundant, since you're reading this!)

"Energy Design Update" and "IEQ Strategies"
A commercial subscription site, Cutter's "Energy Design Update" and "IEQ Strategies" newsletters have long been a source of objective and detailed technical information, and research & practice summaries, aimed at energy and design professionals. Soem free information; but most requires a (not-inexpensive!) subscription, or payment by the copy. This site has an index of newsletter articles and reports which can be ordered on-line.

Energy Ideas Clearinghouse
Washington State Universitys' Energy Ideas Clearinghouse (EIC) has provided commercial and industrial sector energy information and assistance in the Pacific Northwest since 1990. With a well-organized, searchable index to Questions and Answers drawn from its' real-life consulting projects; and discussions and research reports, this is a great source for EE/RE technology research. Other resources include breaking US and state energy news; wide-ranging, high-quality information Resource, Organizations and technical Standards indexes; as well as an alphabetical Glossary.

BC Hydro PowerSmart
BC Hydro has an extensive website, with a very corporate tone. Items I find useful include:
- online listings of BCH and BC Gas rates
- online electricity account histories (useful for energy management planning)
- listing of recreational areas developed and maintained by BC Hydro
- an index of environmental WWW links, with special attention to water issues.

PowerSmart at Home
Aimed at the general public, BC Hydros' residential site includes an on-line Home Energy Profile tied to BC Hydro utility bills, an appliance energy calculator, a library of short, non-technical technology summaries, and their GEM Guides with more detail. Especially handy is the list of PowerSmart-endorsed products

PowerSmart for Business
Largely devoted to BCH building energy management programs, this site includes information on:
- on-site energy audits through their Building Performance Program
- Energy Performance Contracting, partnering with Honeywell
- lighting surveys, design and retrofit advice
- case studies of BCH "Success Stories" The commercial site also has an order form for free paper copies of selected PowerSmart GEM Guides. (L100 - "Lamp Selection Data" lives in my personal ready-reference binder.)

US Federal Energy Management Program
The US FEMP provides technical assistance, information and programs aimed at reducing the energy consumption of government buildings and agencies. Notable FEMP software available for free download includes:
- Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC): analyze buildings capital investments
- FLEX - the Federal Lighting Energy Expert analyzes single room to multibuilding lighting projects
- WATERGY - a spreadsheet model that used to analyze water savings potential and associated energy savings.
Available reports include "Greening the White House" among other green building case studies; their draft Building Commissioning Guide, one of the most comprehensive available; and (soon) their on-line Whole Building Design Guide.

International Energy Agency Programmes
The Europe-based IEA administers a number of very effective EE & RE programs, one reason they are far in advance of North America. These sites typically have policy and program summaries and publications lists; the AIVC and solar sites also offer a lots of numbers & data for tech-heads:
- Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (authoritative)
- Bioenergy
- Demand-Side Management Programme
- Buildings and Community Systems Programme
- Heat Pump Centre
- Photovoltaics Power Systems Programme (excellent!)
- Small-Hydro Atlas
- Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (excellent!)
- Solar Thermal Power and Chemical Energy Systems
- Wind Turbine Systems

- Solar City Program

IGSHPA - International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
The IGSHPA is a US-based trade association of GSHP manufacturers, designers and contractors; and this site is oriented toward member services and information dissemination. Information available to the general public is rather weak.

IPMVP - Building Energy International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol
The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (MVP) provides an overview of current best practice techniques available for verifying results of energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy projects in commercial and industrial facilities. It is sponsored by the US Department of Energy and a broad international coalition of facility owners/operators, financiers, Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) and other stakeholders. The IPMVP protocols are the gold-standards for energy performance measurement, and are available for download in free .pdf form.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
The ACEEE is one of the most active and effective US organizations encouraging and lobbying for energy efficiency in buildings and industry. It hosts biannual conferences for each; the 5-day Buildings conference (even years) is one of best globally, with 10 streams covering technologies, policy and program development. The site has a pretty good annotated list of internet resources on energy efficiency; and the ACEEEs rates the environmental impact of autos

Association of Energy Engineers
The AEE serves as a clearinghouse for professional engineers concerned with energy efficiency in industry and buildings, with chapters worldwide (including a chapter in BC). The main AEE site is oriented primarily toward AEE members, but has breaking news, and offers links to research, papers and technical standards (for a fee).

California Energy Commission
From the eye of the current North American energy storm, the California Energy Commission is responsible for regulation, policy development and program administration of California's energy supply. Their website has the latest official news on the current California energy crisis; and
- summaries of energy conservation technologies for commercial, institutional & residential buildings
- summaries of renewable energy technologies
- summaries of alternate auto technologies
- downloadable .pdf summaries of Title 24, the State energy regulation

US Alliance to Save Energy
The Alliance to Save Energy is a US nonprofit coalition of business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit the environment, the economy, and national security. Focussed mostly on the US, their site is an excellent resource on the mechanics of federal US energy policy.

European Union Directorate-General for Energy and Transport

This new EU Directorate-General, which has been in operation since 1 January 2000, merged the Directorates-General for Transport and Energy. Focused on transportation energy policy, it lists European statistical and policy publications, with their distributors and prices; some executive summaries and statistics are available for free download.


US DOE Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Environment Energy Technologies Division
Authoritative North American building energy researchers, LBL has several areas of building energy-efficiency research:
- Energy Simulation
- Windows, Daylighting & Lighting Systems
- Indoor Environment
- Energy Analysis
Their site is large and complex; the main entry URL is listed above. A brief guide to individual research areas follows.

Building Energy Analysis Simulation Research Group
The people who wrote North America's premier building energy analysis software, DOE 2; and its new replacement, EnergyPlus (April 2001). Their site offers free downloads of energy simulation and analysis software; links to software support for their programs; weather file sources; free .pdf downloads of their research papers; as well as links to other simulation software sources. It also archives current and past issues of LBLs' Building Energy Simulation User News.

Windows, Daylighting & Lighting Systems
LBLs Windows & Daylighting site offers their software and a publications search engine. Of particular interest to building designers are their WINDOW and RADIANCE software, for analyzing window thermal and optical performance; and lighting modelling, respectively.

Indoor Environments
LBLs Indoor Environment Department researches develops technologies aimed at improving indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort and the health and productivity of building occupants, while reducing energy consumption. Their publications research engine offers free .pdf download of their research papers.

Energy Analysis
LBLs Energy Analysis Department studies energy use in the United States and abroad. With research and data, as well as computer modeling of energy scenarios in the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors of the economy, this site is a good resource for hard numbers for policy analysis and program development in industrial, transportation and building sectors.

US DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory Buildings Technology Center
The Buildings Technology Center (BTC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a major U.S. research facility devoted to development of building energy efficiency technologies. ORNL also researches HVAC equipment; design, performance and benchmarking; and power infrastructure; but has particular expertise in building envelope research It offers excellent downloadable .pdf "Fact Sheets" on residential insulation selection and foundation design; and on-line calculators for envelope thermal resistance and moisture control in lo-slope roofs

UK EEBPP - UK Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme
The Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme (EEBPP) is the UK Government's principal energy efficiency information, advice and research programme for organisations in the public and private sectors. The EEBPPs fine database of EE publications covers most sectors, but (unfortunately) little is available for free download; paper copies can be ordered online (non-UK users must pay).

HKU BEER - Hong Kong University Building Energy Efficiency Research
One of the few Asian universities researching building energy efficiency, and a DOE 2 simulation resource centre, this site has a "Sustainable Architecture and Building Design" guide (under construction in July 2001), and a global list of case studies, with several in Asia. One of their best features is a global list of Building Energy Standards and Codes, including the PRC and Hong Kong (many available online).

Rensselaer Polytechnics' Lighting Research Center
The Lighting Research Center is part of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's School of Architecture. It is the world's largest university-based center for lighting education and research. The sites' information Resource Collection includes its "Annotated Guide to Lighting Topics"; "Lighting - the electronic textbook"; and many other technical sources, case studies and conference papers for free .pdf download.

US National Lighting Product Information Program
The National Lighting Product Information Program (NLPIP) is a non-profit, independent effort to provide manufacturer-specific performance data on efficient lighting products. It helps contractors, homeowners, designers, and building managers find efficient, quality lighting products, and use them effectively and efficiently. All NLPIP reports are FREE to the public in .pdf format. Their Specifier Reports & Technical Guides are well-designed for professional use, with graphics, charts and numbers; and CD-ROM databases of lamps, ballasts and lighting "pattern books" are available for on-line purchase.
A commercial online search engine for North American lighting products and information, that links to suppliers websites. While not particularly oriented to EE design, the site has technical articles and reports by many organisations, and 80+ case studies.

British Columbia Buildings Corporation
The BC Governments Crown corporation landlord makes its Client Comfort Systems Design Manual and Technical Standards 2000 available online. They both very good resources for BCBC and other projects alike.

EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute
The Electric Power Research Institute was established in 1973 as a nonprofit research consortium and lobbying arm of US energy utilities. Their site primarily services EPRI members; and is the first place to go to get press releases and white papers and issue briefs from the point-of-view of large North American utility companies.


NREL - US National Renewable Energy Laboratory
A tremendous resource for anyone researching or using renewable energy technologies, the US DOEs National Renewable Energy Laboratory is the first place to go for introductory, policy and technical information on RE technology and research in North America. Their huge Publications Database has an excellent search engine, with many .pdf documents available for free download, and others via the US DOEs OSTI service. The text & visual-thumbnail searchable PIX image database is also huge, and perfect for quick presentation images of many EE/RE topics, not just renewable energy equipment; and all common RE technologies and programs are covered in detail.

REDI - Natural Resources Canada's Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative
A bare-bones index to NRCan's Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative, a 6-year, $24 million program designed to stimulate demand for renewable energy systems for space and water heating and cooling. Incentives offered include a refund of 25% of purchase and installation costs of qualifying systems, up to a maximum refund of $80,000. This site provides program information and incentive application forms.

FSEC - Florida Solar Energy Center
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) is the largest and most active state-supported renewable energy and energy efficiency research, training, testing and certification institute in the US, and one of the nations best research centres in solar, renewable and building energy-efficiency. The gem here is their WWW Solar Applications Guide, with detailed technical information on all applications of solar energy, complete with the National Solar Collector and System Certification Program, with independently-tested collector efficiencies. Their online publications index covers photovoltaics, energy-efficiency and alternate-fuel vehicles, almost all for free download. FSEC publishes "Solar Collector Online", complete with searchable archives; and the FSEC energy library, with over 10,000 books and bound periodicals and 70,000 documents, is available for on-line searching via the university's LUIS catalog at:
/~ fclwlv3/wlv3/CM02/DGgen/DBwebluis/P1home

Masonry Heater Association
The industry association for masonry wood-burning appliance manufacturers and designers, this site features some very good
- research publications (including several papers on wood-burner pollutant emissions)
- a "Virtual Mall" of suppliers and masons,
- a list of MHA members.
- a Gallery with a variety of fine photos of wood-burning fireplaces that actually heat, without being an indoor pollution sources (unlike many).

SESCI - Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc.
Established in 1974, SESCI is the primary national non-profit solar organization, with chapters or affiliates in the Maritimes, Quebec, Toronto & Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, B.C. Its purpose is to advance the awareness, understanding and use of solar energy in Canada. SESCIs website is best for breaking Canadian solar news, workshops and conferences; and allows on-line purchase of the Canadian Renewable Energy Guide, one of the best sources for Canadian RE information, designers and suppliers.

CANSIA - Canadian Solar Industries Association
CANSIA is the primary Canadian solar energy industry association, fostering research, information exchange and lobbying on behalf of manufacturers and distributors. The public portion of their site includes:
- brief introductions to solar heating and electricity generation
- listings of solar energy technology manufacturers and suppliers
- a CANSIA members directory
- a "Buy and Sell" database for solar equipment - breaking Canadian solar news

CANWEA - Canadian Wind Energy Association
CANWEA represents organizations and individuals developing and applying wind energy in Canada, with a focus on lobbying governments on policy and programs. CANWEAs website lists policy papers, links, a "Quick Facts" summary, and liks to other global wind energy websites. Hosting an annual conference, their on-line bookstore offers proceedings and a modest selection of introductory and technical books.

CADDET - Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies
CADDET Renewable Energy is an International Energy Agency agreement for the exchange of information on commercial renewable energy projects, operating since 1993. With sections on Biomass, Geothermal, Waste, Hydro, Solar, Wind and PV, this site is an excellent source for commercial and institutional renewable energy projects globally.

American Solar Energy Society
The ASES is an excellent resource on all types of solar energy information and research; with the excellent journal "Solar Today" as their main print communication. Their website includes
- an annotated links page
- an excellent FAQ on solar and renewable energy economics, technologies, etc.

- a publications catalog of ASES and other books
- the ASES FactBase is designed as an introduction to solar energy technologies, as well as a resource leading to more information.

ISES - International Solar Energy Society!Open
Founded in 1954, ISES today is the largest organisation in the field of research, utilisation and promotion of Renewable Energy technology world-wide, with more than 30 000 members in over 100 countries. Its World-wide Information System for Renewable Energy (WIRE) database offers guest (non-member) access to an extensive international bibliography on solar technologies, research and policy papers.

American Wind Energy Association
The primary industry lobby group for wind energy, it is largely oriented toward utility-scale technologies and issues. The site links to the AWEAs FAQ, technical standards, wind energy projects, publications, news and events.

European Wind Energy Agency
Established in 1982, the European Wind Energy Association is a non profit, non governmental association with a membership consisting mainly of national affiliated societies, companies and organisations involved in wind related activities. The EWEA now has a total membership of over 15,000, including most of the major wind turbine manufacturers and research centres. EWEA has some good, non-technical wind energy issue summaries available on-line, but the site is better on policy adn lobbying than technics (for that, see the European Wind Energy Information Network).

European Wind Energy Information Network
Europe is far ahead of North America in wind energy installations, with 21661 wind turbines generating ~12GW(!) as of July 2001. The European Wind Energy Information Network acts as a clearinghouse for wind energy technical data, as well as national statistics and links to EU programs intended to encourage its application. If you're looking for European wind energy numbers, this is the place to start.

EUREC - European Union Renewable Energy Centers Agency
EUREC was established by the European Union to strengthen and rationalize the European RD&D efforts on renewable energy technologies. An independent association, it groups about 40 prominent EU RD&D groups, with research fields including solar buildings, wind, photovoltaics, biomass, small hydro, solar thermal power stations, ocean energy, solar chemistry and solar materials, hybrid systems, developing countries and integration of renewable energy in the energy infrastructure. The gateway to many EU RE programs, the sites' bibliography of Recommended Publications is a good introduction to the European experience in RE policy and technologies (most technical books are not inexpensive, unfortunately). The International Energy Agency (the EU equivalent to the US-EIA) has a WWW entry point through EUREC, under "EC Info Services".

American Hydrogen Association
This industry lobby groups' site hosts links to hydrogen and fuel cell FAQs, and news on breaking H2 news.


Statistics Canada

This StatsCan web page lists some broad-brush Canadian energy supply and demand summary statistics; more detailed on-line monthly reports are available at For environmental statistics summaries, see

US-EIA - US Energy Information Agency
The source for official energy statistics by and for the U.S. Government, the US-EIA is an authoritative source for energy consumption and production information not just for the US, but many other countries as well. More statistics, charts and numbers than anyone can use, this site is comprehensive and detailed, but still relatively easy to navigate (considering the volume of data provided). Regular publications include the "Short Term Energy Outlook" and annual updates for all fuel types.

International Energy Agency
The International Energy Agency, based in Paris, is an autonomous agency linked with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The IEA is the energy forum for 26 member countries, to coordinate joint measures to meet oil supply emergencies; share energy information, co-ordinate energy policies and co-operate in development of rational energy programmes. It serves as the authoritative world clearinghouse for energy supply and consumption statistics, with extensive data and excellent reports, such as the World Energy Outlook (published annually). The EIA makes executive summaries of many of their best reports, "Country Reviews" and monthly statistical summaries available on-line; full paper and CD-ROM copies are available for order (fees are often steep for Canadian buyers).

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