Vietnam War Resisters in Canada
A Guide to Web Sites
This web site complements an offline annotated bibliography project
underway since January 2000. A September 2014 major revision reorganizes
the material and verifies all links. A November 2021 major revision
moves individual resisters into a separate listing with uniform
format, adds new entries to main listing, and reorganizes and reviews
existing entries. The version previous to 2014 (with no updating or
further maintenance) remains available as an archive file. (For that
link, see the last item listed below.)
Because of the increasing volume of internet-accessible material,
preference tends to be given to items not available in print format.
More emphasis is being placed on complementarity. Much of this listing
forms the internet resources component of the larger bibliographic project.
Special interest is taken in personal recollections.
Selected entries are listed in order of assessed relevance, interest,
significance, extent of content, currency, etc. Each entry is assigned
one or more controlled-terminology tags to describe content. This means
that the web browser search function can be used to access particular
desired content. Likewise, the "Updates List" can be used to search
for newer entries.
As required and as possible, dysfunctional links are replaced
by a link to the file captured by Internet Archive. That change is no
longer signaled within the entry.
Tag List: anti-draft | archive | audio | bibliography |
biography | blog entry | British Columbia | conference | document |
documentary film | encyclopedia | event | fiction | history | memoir |
Montreal | organization | photo | poetry | research paper |
student project | timeline | Toronto | Vancouver |
video | women
Updates List: Nov 2021 • Aug 2017 • Jan 2017 • Feb 2016 •
Jan 2016 • July 2015 • Jan 2015 • Nov 2014 • Oct 2014 • Sept 2014
Requests for Research Assistance
A service provided to persons conducting research.
Added: Jan 2017
Tags: not applicable
Vietnam War Resisters in Canada : An Encyclopedic Essay
/ Joseph Jones
A summary account of the topic, paired with a critical review
of Wikipedia coverage.
Added: Jan 2015
Tags: encyclopedia | history
Historical Notes on Vietnam War Resisters in Canada / Joseph Jones
No. 1: The Numbers for U.S. Draft Resisters and Deserters Who
Moved to Canada
No. 2: Canadian Immigration Policy 1966-1974 and the Arrival of
U.S. Vietnam War Resisters
No. 3: Pierre Trudeau’s Views on U.S. Vietnam War Resisters
No. 4: Iraq War Deserters Seek “Refuge” in Canada
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: history
Vietnam War Resisters in Canada : Individual Resisters
Individual resisters in Canada having record of involvement
in events and circumstances prior to the Carter pardon of 1977.
Added: Nov 2021
Tags: archive | biography | memoir
Vietnam War Deserters and Draft Resisters in Canada : Books
Three lists of books: key works, related works, personal accounts.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: bibliography
Vietnam War Deserters and Draft Resisters in Canada :
Selected Essays
One list of articles, essays, and papers in reverse chronological order.
Added: Nov 2021
Tags: bibliography
GI Press Collection 1964-1977 / Wisconsin Historical Society
Quality scans of 47 publications (pamphlets, periodicals,
manuals, etc.) relating specifically to Vietnam War resisters in Canada.
Titles include: Amex-Canada, Manual for Draft-Age Immigrants to
Canada, Yankee Refugee.
Added: Nov 2021
Tags: archive
Seeking Sanctuary : Draft Dodgers
Twenty-two TV and radio segments from CBC Archives.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: archive | audio | video
The Ragnarokr Cordwainery : The History of an American Exile Community
in Toronto, 1968-1996 / Philip M. Mullins
Although focused on Ragnarokr, this wiki site includes much
material on the larger Toronto exile community. Includes biographies
of about thirty individuals.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: biography | history | organization | Toronto
War Resisters in Exile : the Memoirs of Amex-Canada / Jack Colhoun
Text and pdf of the 68-page history of Amex-Canada published
in late 1977. Amex-Canada 1968-1977 was both an organization and a
magazine that appeared in 47 issues.
Added: July 2015
Tags: biography | history | memoir | organization | Toronto
In Exile : American Draft Resisters and Deserters in Canada / Anton
This 46 minute film from 1972 features draft resisters,
deserters, counselors at the Toronto Anti-Draft Programme, and an
editor from Amex-Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: documentary film
Vietnam War Resisters in Canada : A Virtual Cemetery
This virtual cemetery gathers memorials for dozens of persons.
Most include photo together with obituary or biographical sketch.
Added: Nov 2021
Tags: biography
The Montreal Council to Aid War Resisters & the American Refugee Service / Gary W. Davis
The director of the Council and Service 1972-1975 recalls his
experiences with those assistance groups.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: memoir | organization | Montreal
The Virtual Vietnam Archive
This massive “donation-driven archive” aims to
“collect and present all sides and viewpoints of the era.”
Scope: “Types of material include documents, photographs, slides,
negatives, oral histories, artifacts, moving images, sound recordings,
maps, and collection finding aids. All non-copyrighted and digitized
materials are available for users to download.“ One example of
available material is a scan of the November 1966 version of
Immigration to Canada and Its Relation to the Draft published by
Vancouver Committee to Aid American War Objectors. Sophisticated
searching ability will prove an asset to the user.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: archive
Vanderbilt Television News Archive
"The world's most extensive and complete archive of
television news" includes ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news
programs since August 5, 1968. A database provides access through
abstracts for each story. Records include interviews with American exiles
in Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: archive | video
Valid Offers, Technical Truth : Part I / Tom Yori
Valid Offers, Technical Truth : Part II / Tom Yori
A draft resister recalls trying to get landed immigrant status at
the Canadian border. Published in Viet Nam Generation 4:1-2 (April 1992)
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: memoir
William John Heintzelman : Vietnam War Resisters in Canada
Twitter account focused on Vietnam War Resisters in Canada.
Added: Nov 2021
Tags: bibliography | event | history
Adjustment of Status Program, 1973
An Immigration Historical Note from Citizenship and Immigration
Canada. Landed immigrant status was granted to 39,000 illegal immigrants,
including draft resisters and deserters.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: history
Baldwin Street Gallery
Laura Jones and John F. Phillips took contemporary photographs
in Toronto. This site map provides easy overview of available files.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: organization | photos | Toronto
Charles Dobie: Local History
Sets of photographs provided by Charles Dobie include:
Wedding at the Huron Street Hall, Toronto, about 1970 (19 photos)
Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970 (9 photos)
Added: Feb 2016
Tags: photos | Toronto
American Deserters Committee
Freedom of Information Act files from the FBI
concerning the American Deserters Committee (Montreal) – six parts
in pdf format.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: archive | Montreal | organization
The Salvation Army Tales / Nancy Naglin
After 45 years, a 1972 novel set in a Vancouver house filled with
draft dodgers and deserters sees publication. Writing from direct
experience of the situation, Naglin has realized her chief aim with
uncanny ability: “to epitomize the most hopeless and frustrating
aspects of exile.”
Added: Aug 2017
Tags: fiction | Vancouver | women
Our Way Home: Peace Event & Reunion
On 4-8 July 2007 Vietnam War Resisters in Canada met together for
the second year in a row. The program included 12 presentations in
two session titled A New Generation of Research on Vietnam War
Resisters in Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: conference | event
Our Way Home Peace Event & Reunion / Andrei Conovaloff
“A Review of the Event and News about It”
Documents the Our Way Home reunions, related events, and media
coverage for 2006-2008.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: event
/ J.M. Bumsted
This entry from Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples
includes material on Vietnam-era American emigration to Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: encyclopedia
Vancouver Yippie
Vancouver Yippie! — A collection of links and materials.
Yippies — A section of Vancouver Anarchist Online Archive.
Draft resisters are mentioned as a component of the forces that
invaded Blaine, Washington on 9 May 1970.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: history | memoir | Vancouver
Storming The Barricades, 1967-1973: Vancouver’s Underground Press
Gangs / Rick McGrath
This extensive listing of individuals associated with the early years
of the Georgia Straight includes a number of draft resisters.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: biography | memoir | Vancouver
The Carter Pardon of January 21, 1977
Proclamation 4483 – Granting pardon for violations of the Selective
Service Act, August 4, 1964 to March 28, 1973
Executive Order 11967 – Relating to violations of the Selective Service
Act, August 4, 1964 to March 28, 1973
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: document
Vietnam Lotteries
The Selective Service System describes the draft lotteries and
list the results for seven lotteries held 1970-1976 for men born
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: document
Better Lands and a Perfect Home: Americans in Canada / Mary Murphy
This 112-page item (April 1989) with bibliography of 38 sources is
written by an American woman who immigrated to Canada in 1972. Part II
The Vietnam Era (p. 36-56) reviews and questions previous studies of that
period’s U.S. immigrants. Part III (p. 58-97) reports on a study of
40 persons in the Sointula/northern Vancouver Island area. All were surveyed
July 1987 to March 1989 by questionnaire, and 27 supplemented with interviews.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: research paper | women
Neglected Number: American Women’s Immigration Experience in Canada During the Vietnam War / Karen M. Dabney
Includes statistics, images, a personal narrative, and a list of works
cited. Course work for Women’s Studies 399, Spring 2003, St. Olaf College.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: student project | women
How to Banish a Citizen: a Two-Step Transaction / Eric
Statistics 2000-2014 on visa ineligibilities for “people
who departed from or remained outside the U.S. to avoid or evade
military training or service”; Vietnam War emigrants and the case of
Thomas Glenn Jolley; recission of entry ban under 1977 Carter pardon.
Added: July 2015
Tags: blog entry | history
Conferences: ‘Canada as Refuge?’
University of Edinburgh, Canadian Studies. Record of 1-2 May 2008
31st annual conference. Specifically relevant papers by Campbell, Colson,
House, Lexier, Olafson, Romano, Squires.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: conference
The End of the Road
A 4:29 minute YouTube video about a draft resister community in
Lund, B.C.
Added: July 2015
Tags: British Columbia | video
One Couple's Experience / johnnb
Report on experience of informing U.S. Dept. of State in 2012
of 1973 intentional loss of U.S. citizenship.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: blog entry | memoir
Ronald J. Anderson, deserter from U.S. Army, is arrested in Peace
Arch Park on August 24, 1974 / Daryl C. McClary
Article from, the free online encyclopedia of
Washington State history.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: encyclopedia
Vietnam Resisters Speak Out
Web site associated with War Resisters Support Campaign.
Stories with photos of fifteen men who came to Canada during
the Vietnam War: Andy Barrie / Dick Cotterill / Michael Klein /
Bill King / Don Pease / Charlie Diamond / Michael Shaffer /
David Rapaport / Tim Maloney / Tobey Anderson / Michael Hendricks /
Tony McQuail / Tom Riley / Juergen Dankwort / Rex Weyler.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: biography
Hell No We Won't Go
Facebook promotion site for 2013 television documentary.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: documentary film
Edward I. Koch
Transcript from Notable New Yorkers produced by Oral History
Research Office, Columbia University Libraries. Former Congressman
Koch discusses his December 1969 visit to Canada to talk with draft
resisters (pages 529-532).
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: memoir
Vietnam War Internet Links / William A. Joseph, Wellesley College
Includes sections for Draft and Antiwar Movement.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: bibliography
Frank H. Epp 1929-1986
An entry from the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia
Online. Editor of I Would Like to Dodge the Draft Dodgers,
But … (1970) — the first book published on the subject of
American Vietnam War resisters in Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: biography | encyclopedia
Nancy Meek Pocock 1910-1998
Toronto supporter of Vietnam war resisters.
Added: Oct 2014
Tags: biography
Remembrances: Fugitive Days
Blogger Rodak briefly recalls "my short-lived run to Canada."
Added: Feb 2016
Tags: memoir
Exiled American Refused Pardon
Now a physician in Sweden, Michael Bransome spent a year en route in
Canada. He remains an unpardoned exile from the United States.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: biography
A Hundred Years of Immigration to Canada 1900-1999
This timeline from Canadian Council for Refugees includes events
relevant to the history of U.S. Vietnam War resister migration to Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: timeline
Immigration to Canada 1928-1971
Six tables of statistics provided by Canadian Museum of
Immigration at Pier 21 (Halifax).
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: statistics
GI Resistance in the Vietnam War
“By 1970, the U.S. Army had 65,643 deserters.”
Added: Jan 2016
Tags: history
Sir! No Sir! GI Movement Archives
Audio archives, galleries with over 1500 images, library of
articles/pamphlets/posters for events 1965-1973.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: archive
My Draft Resistance / Eric Pence
Recollection of 1969 draft refusal in Seattle that might
have led to Canada but did not.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: memoir
RITA (Resistance in the Army) / Max Watts
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: memoir | organization
Men and Women Who Dare to Say No : Mennonite Resistance to Draft Registration 1980-1985 / Mark Becker
A substantial essay based on primary research.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: research paper
Draft Registration, Draft
Resistance, the Military Draft, and the Medical Draft / Edward
A large collection of information, on a web site hosted in
Canada, regularly maintained by a long-standing draft resistance activist.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: anti-draft
Archived Entries
Draft-Age Americans in Canada
A section from Forging our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship
and Immigration, 1900-1977, a book by Valerie Knowles commissioned by
the federal department. The 1970 photograph of the Montreal American
Deserters Committee can also be found in: Spencer, William, "Why they
won't fight," Weekend magazine 20:6 (Feb. 7, 1970) 2.
There the individuals are identified as: Larry Svirchev, Jim Weeks,
Paul Petri, Steve Argo, John Nichols (left to right).
Special Note 1:
The above link became a matter of controversy in 2009 because the
material was removed from the Government of Canada web site (possibly
reflecting a current Canadian government attitude toward Iraq War deserters
in Canada). On 4 July 2009 Sue Bailey of Canadian Press reported on Ken
Marciniec's access to information attempts to discover why
the information disappeared. The link now works again.
Special Note 2:
Link fails in Nov 2021, so now linked to an Internet Archive
version. Comment: this material was never of great interest in and
of itself, except for the photo and for the apparent redaction
effort made under the Stephen Harper government.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: history
A Brief and Incomplete Bibliography of Works about American Draft Dodgers and Deserters from the Vietnam War / Stuart Spore
A twenty-item listing.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: bibliography
Vietnam War Bibliography / Edwin E. Moïse
Spotty coverage. Includes relevant items, particularly under
subheadings The Antiwar Movement and International – Canada.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: bibliography
Archived Version of Vietnam War Resisters in Canada
The version of this web site that existed prior to the
extensive revision of September 2014.
Added: Sept 2014
Tags: archive
Suggestions for additions are welcome. For contact information see Joseph Jones.
Established May 2001
First extensive revision February 2004
Little updating from July 2009 to September 2014
Web site migrated July 2013
Second extensive revision September 2014
Third extensive revision November 2021
Last updated on 24 November 2021
Hosted by Vancouver Community Network
(Direct validation failures are caused by VCN server code only)