Stark Raven Radio: A Closer Look at Prisons & the Psychiatric Survivor Movement
First Monday of each month, 7-8pm, Co-op Radio, 100.5FM, Vancouver.
Listen to recent shows and find a full archive of past shows and interviews.
Collaborating Centre for Prison Health and Education (UBC)
The CCPHE has resources, research and projects supporting health initiatives in BC and Canadian prisons.
Support the Claire Culhane In Memory Fund
Claire Culhane was a passionate prison abolitionist who worked tirelessly in support of prisoners.
After she died in 1996, ex-prisoners, friends and family set up a commemorative
bench for her at John Hendry Park (Trout Lake) in East Vancouver.
In order to
support the maintenance
of the bench the In Memory Fund is seeking donations.
Donations can be made with the Vancouver Park Board [contact: 604-257-8513, donations
**online at (Please use the "Dedicate a Park Amenity" donation form and
choose the "Claire Culhane In Memory Fund" designation)
**by cheque payable to "Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation" c/o Claire Culhane In Memory Fund 2099 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, BC. V6G 1Z4.
The Penal Press -- A History of Prison from Within
New website archiving the history of prisoner publications in Canada, with an open-access archive.