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See what condition your conditioning is in.

1960s slogan

Free your mind, expand your consciousness

Mind Sets:
We all have in our minds certain concepts upon which we base our everyday thinking and determine how we act and view life in general.

The total of these concepts can be referred to as a persons mind set.  Those who cannot read have very different mind sets than those who can and do. Although we all watch TV now those under the age of 35 who were raised in front of a TV set have a very different mind set to those who grew up before TV. There are few if any people who any longer deny that what we watch on TV has a major influence upon how we think; also, those born before there were any movies whatsoever also have a different kind of mind set.

The term Mind Bending
refers to ones personal efforts to customize their mind set
 so that it serves them and not the establishment.


1) The only method of managing our affairs on this Continent is political rule of one form or another. This means political parties voted in by the majority of people.

2) A few people must control the rest.

3) In this country there is NOT enough of the goods we need for everyone.

4) Money in some form is the only means whereby we are able to produce and distribute goods and services . . . ..

5) Boycott CANNOT be effective as a way to control those who are "in charge of whatever."


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Educator web site links:
Go to educator web site home page
Go to educator web site table of contents
More about mind bending
Understanding how our brains function
Huxley - Orwell retrograde mind sets Part I
Malthus - Darwin - Smith retrograde mind sets Part II


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I can recommend the writings of Dr.T. Leary to those who want to free their minds for he was the #1 guru of the decade. His stated objective was to improve peoples thinking so that they would make better decisions and thereby make the world a better place. Simple and sensible eh what?



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