Updated March 2015
Below are some support organizations for prisoners.
You can also check out our online links
and further reading/learning pages for more resources.
Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons
200-131 Bloor St W
Toronto, ON M5S 1R8 www.angelfire.com/mi2/aicap/
Newsgroup: ca.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/aicap-aifap/info
Black Inmates & Friends Assembly
2518 Eglinton Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M6M 1T1
ph (416) 652-3131
fax (416) 652-5381
bifa (at) collosseum.com
Books to Prisoners Programs in Canada
Click here for contact info and listings.
Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
701-151 Slater St.
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5H3
ph. (613)238-2422 fax: (613)232-7130
caefs (at) web (dot) ca
Social service and advocacy group for women in prison
Canadian Prison Law
Coverdale Courtwork Society
2346 Hunter Street
PO Box 31146
Halifax, NS B3K 4V6
Phone: 902-422-6417
Fax: 902-425-3160
Twitter: @CoverdaleHFX
Non-profit agency for women involved in the criminal justice system providing support at provincial courts for women and female youth, counselling and women-centred programs.
Infinity Lifer's Liaison Group
Dept. Of Criminology
The University of Ottawa
120 University Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Founded in 1984, ILLG is a volunteer prisoners’ rights and political advocacy group organized through the University of Ottawa.
ILLG is the community liaison for the Infinity Lifers Group, men serving a life sentence at Collins Bay Institution in Kingston Ontario.
ILLG aims to raise awareness about the struggles facing prisoners serving life sentences in Canada, particularly those inside Collins Bay.
We also seek to raise awareness about criminal justice and human rights more generally.
John Howard Society Canada
809 Blackburn Mews
Kingston, ON
Canada K7P 2N6
Tel: 613-384-6272 Fax: 613-384-1847
email: national (at) johnhoward.ca
www.johnhoward.ca (includes a listing of local JHS across Canada)
Joint Effort
PO Box 78005
1755 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V5N 5W1
Tel: 604-682-3269 x3019
email: jointeffort (at) prisonjustice.ca
Support and advocacy group for women in prison
Justice Behind The Walls
Dedicated to protecting human rights in Canadian prisons.
Justice for Girls
606-825 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1K9
Tel:604-689-7887 Fax: 604-689-5600
www.justiceforgirls.org email: info (at) justiceforgirls.org
Legal Aid Society Legal Services Society
400 – 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3A8
Call Centre: 604-408-2172 (Lower Mainland) 1-866-577-2525
Admin Offices: 604-601-6000
Letters For the Inside
c/o SFPIRG, TC326, SFU
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
Tel: 778-782-4360
Student researchers respond to request from prisoners
www.sfpirg.ca email: letters (at) sfpirg (dot) ca
PASAN Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network
314 Jarvis St. #100
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C5
Tel: 416-920-9567 Toll Free: 1-866-224-9978 Fax 416-920-4314
www.pasan.org email: info (at) pasan.org
Prisoners' Legal Services (BC)
205-32450 Simon Ave.
Abbotsford BC. V2T 4J2
office line: 604-853-3114 fax: 604-853-1038
Prisoner's must have a referral first by calling Legal Services Society of BC,
Legal Aid Call Centre,
direct line for prisoners: 1-888-839-8889
prisoner line tel: 604-853-8712
toll free: 1-866-577-5245
Positive Living BC: Prison Outreach Program
1107 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 5S8
Office: 604-893-2283, 1-800-994-2437
Prisoner Line: 604-525-8646, 1-877-900-2437 (Should be on all provincial prisoners PIN access)
email: pop (at) positivelivingbc.org
Prison Letters
Département de criminology / Department of Criminology
Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa
120 Université /120 University Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
prison.letters.ottawa [at] gmail.com
Ottawa-based collective of academics and students
with a mandate to promote prisoners’ and former prisoners’ access to information and resources and act as a voice in the community for prisoners.
Quakers Fostering Justice
32469 Mitchell Avenue
Mission, BC V4S 0B2
Tel: 604.832.0954 Contact: Merideth Egan
quakerservice.ca/our-work/justice/ email: qfj (at) quaker.ca
Sisters In Action and Solidarity (SAS)
P.O. Box 78005
1755 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC. V5N 5W1
Email: sasvancouver (at) gmail (dot) com
Women's ex-prisoner peer advocacy group. Working towards the objectives of the Human Rights In Action (HRIA) project.
Strength in Sisterhood - SIS
273 55th St
Delta, BC
V4M 3J4
Advocacy group for women in prison
West Coast Prison Justice Society
204 - 32450 Simon Avenue
Abbotsford, BC V2T 4J2
Phone: 604-853-3114 Fax: 604-853-1038
Women into Healing
Women in Prison Health Research Project
Vancouver, BC
Phone: 604-875-3658,
Womyn For Justice
Women in Prison Support Group
Kinsgton, ON
womyn4justice (at) yahoo.ca