CHOO Radio Recollections

An on line scrapbook of images & text for former staff and listeners alike


February 2010 Update: A lot of CHOO stuff to cover in this update. First, more great recollections and graphics. Keep them coming in folks! My e mail address is at the bottom of Page One. Secondly, photo coverage of the December 18th, 2009 pre-Xmas CHOO Radio Reunion Lunch. What a blast! Such great fun with such terrific people. Special thanks to Dave Hughes and Pat Gonsalves for organizing it; and to Jay Mandell for the special anniversary retro CHOO Radio 1390 toques. If you missed it, plan to attend next year, you won't regret it... We start with memories from "Linda Boyd"...


(ABOVE) CHOO PD Joe Frechette and Linda Boyd in the Oshawa Times (1987)

Hello John... Gary McMahon sent me the link to your absolutely fabulous web site thru Facebook.... I cannot believe the memories that you have collected... the names... the pictures... the letters... wow... what a simply great job...

I was one of the people who drove a 'white' car and was able to apply the CHOO logo to the door...the extra $75.00 per month went a long way back then!! Also used the vehicle in parades, special functions, etc.

I worked at CHOO Radio on McMaster from approximately early 1985 till Fall 1989... Interviewed and hired by Lorna Braid and Lill Bolton...I was the Secretary/Receptionist at that time and just loved greeting everyone and giving out the prizes our listeners would win!! Oh... and making the coffee when Brian Belfry would play "Linda Put the Coffee On"... that was my cue that the pot was empty!

A few more names I remember... Gloria Coles in Traffic (now with Global TV), John Nugent on air announcer and now Sales (he is STILL with KX96)... Jack Page and Mike Leaver, also on air... Peter Hughes (Dave's brother), Mark Train, Cheryl Barber, Paul Taalman, all in Sales, Al Basaran (deceased) as Sales Manager, Mike Anton in News, Micheline Raizenne, Sean Carmichael, Peter Campbell (the greatest at Sports Trivia), Tracy Swejda, Cameron Tilbury (copy), Rick Johnson and... I know there are many more if I put my thinking cap on. The ones who would know the most names would be the recently retired Lill Bolton... and Joe Frechette (now living in Nelson, BC).

Thank you for this beautiful site full of memories... I entered it in my "favourites page" so that I can return often! Best wishes and keep up the great work!

Linda Van de Broek (Boyd at the time of working at the station)


Thank you Linda for your wonderful memories and for your very kind comments. All photos on this page courtesy "Linda Boyd", (ABOVE, TOP) Oshawa Times photo from pre-Christmas 1987; (ABOVE, RIGHT) Linda's CHOO baseball team shirt; Linda's staff shirt; and a close up of her staff ID. And read on for comments from Lill...