CHOO Radio Recollections

An on line scrapbook of images & text for former staff and listeners alike


Pop Went the Pirates II

There's even a brief reference to CHOO Radio in Keith Skues' brand new "fully illustrated, definitive history of [British] offshore radio" published in the UK earlier this year. It's a brilliant compilation of all things pirate radio - truly "must" reading for real fans of radio! I highly recommend it. You can find out more about it HERE.

It seems that British pirate DJ Keith Martin emigrated to Canada in 1968 and began work at CFRB/CKFM as an operator-producer. He then moved to CHOO radio "where he hosted a daily four hour programme plus a six hour shift on Sundays. Other duties at CHOO included newsreading, interviewing, selling airtime, copywriting and production."

Sounds pretty much like the same CHOO when I was there just over a decade later!


A Letter From Dave Hughes


YOU ARE INCREDIBLE...............What a FANTASTIC job you have done. Reading the entire site literally brought a tear to my eyes. Personally I LOVED my time at CHOO as it was not only my home town of Ajax, but as an employee and later General Manager, it was really like a family business to me.

[As soon as I can] I will send you an email of my feelings about CHOO that I know you will put on the site. John, whatever the cost of the domain is we certainly have enough of us that will chip in to pay as long as you feel you can maintain the INCREDIBLE job you have done.

We were indeed fortunate John that YOU spent some time at CHOO and have shown the love that you had for that time in your life to take on this challenge.

On behalf of EVERYONE who ever graced the hallways of CHOO Radio, THANK YOU...

Dave Hughes/General Sales Manager - Star 93.3, Peterborough, Ontario

(Dave - letters like yours make the whole project worthwhile to me! Thank you for such positive feedback. I know in reality I was only a very minor part of the CHOO story but I have only good memories of my time there. And I kind of feel right about becoming the unofficial CHOO archivist on line - like it was just meant to be! So thank you again for all your thoughts and positive comments. It's key players in the CHOO story like you that really count and so your comments mean alot. I look forward to hearing your story (and getting any photos etc) for a future revision of the site.


Photo of Bill Johnson (above) from

Congratulations to Bill on his induction into the Kinmount Country Music Jamboree Hall of Fame.



Update From Rob Reid

Hi John:

Just read all the new stuff on the site. Wow!! It is amazing to read what fomer CHOO staffers did and where they are today.

Glad to see the pic of Brian Belfry. That's how I remember him! Good Gosh - we used to laugh trying to record spots.... and Gord the News Director. Very professional. Lill Bolton. She used to have CHOO Radio 14 emblazoned across her car. A big old Chevy? The vehicles had to be painted white first and then the logo was added. For the Durham Fair one year I think we had her car and another CHOO vehicle out in the middle of a cow field doing cut-ins back to the station. The fair had moved that year to this "new"location. The field was very uneven. We gave out CHOO Stickers.

Great Work John! I hope many people see this site and contribute even more.



Jim Birtch Writes

Hi, I recently checked out your site after googling CHOO Radio. Do you have any jingles or airchecks - I would love to hear them. I didn't work for CHOO but for CJET 630 in Smiths Falls (1992-1994) Sunday evenings running religious tapes just like you and yours did at one time or another on CHOO. Get back to me! Thanks,

Jim Birtch

P. S. I'm still in radio, Saturday afternoons 12noon to 2pm on CFRC in Kingston - - check it out!

(ABOVE - Thanks for writing, Jim. Always good to hear from a fellow radio addict even if you didn't work at CHOO. Does anyone have airchecks or jingles of CHOO Radio? If so, contact me and I will pass along your message to Jim.)

(LEFT - Hey Rob! Thanks as always for your good thoughts. Did anyone else have their car done up with the CHOO logo?)