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Gibby’s Field
Cedar Cottage, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

January 2001 (approx.):   Gibby’s Field information sheet produced by Mavis Dixon

Gibby’s Field


Gibby’s Field is located at 1456,1458 and 1462 18th Avenue East. It is the last undeveloped remnant of creek bed of the historical Gibson’s Creek, formerly a rich salmon bearing stream that became China Creek. The City of Vancouver owns Gibby’s Field after the land owned by pioneer Moses Gibson reverted to the City in the 1930’s in lieu of unpaid back taxes. Gibby’s Field is located in Cedar Cottage and falls under the Kensington Cedar Cottage CityPlan.

In December 2000, the Kensington Cedar Cottage CityPlan committee supported the Gibby’s Field Group’s request for a moratorium on further development on the property. The City Council approved KCC CityPlan (sections 24.1,24.5) outlines the need to preserve such spaces. With this support, the Gibby’s Field Group was able to ask for and receive a moratorium on farther residential development of the property to allow for community members and groups to create a lasting community vision for the Gibby’s Field.

A large group of interested residents, scientists, parents, educators and children is working to develop a vision for the land. The naturally occurring features of Gibby’s Field give a strong indication of its possible use as a public space: persistent water flow, draining into an existing culvert; steep contours on all four sides; pedestrian alternative to Knight Street; high exposure to multiple users — and not simply adjacent neighbours.

As there are many children in the area, with two schools and one preschool in close proximity, the property suggests a rugged, unmanicured space, favored by children. This community vision of Gibby’s Field developed over three meetings:

1. Mark the history of the neighbourhood — possibly through a community art project and/or through oral histories gathered by local students and historians.

2. Restore and create bird and butterfly habitat through the use of low-maintenance, native plants.

3. Create some water habitat and riparian edge habitat by restoring some of the creek flow, within confines of neighbourhood safety concerns.

4. Create a pedestrian alternative to Knight Street while maintaining the rugged contours of the property-


The Gibby’s Field Group supports pursuing park status for the property.

The groups we are communicating with, who are interested in playing a role in creating a lasting vision for Gibby’s Field include:

CECONA (Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Association)

Kensington Cedar Cottage CityPlan committee

Trout Lake Community Centre

Kensington Community Association

Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House

Riparian edge specialists at UBC Department of Civil Engineering

Vancouver Natural History Society

Evergreen, urban naturalization facilitators

PAC of Tyee Elementary

Board of Community Montessori

Save our Parkland Association (SOPA)

We are also in communication with Parks Board staff. City of Vancouver development staff and City of

Vancouver, Property Endowment Fund. We have sent letters of information to the Mayor to be copied to

all City Councillors.

For more information contact: Mavis Dixon at 604-…-….

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