Home Location History Photographs Gibby’s Field Group (2000–2001) Gibby’s Field Subcommittee (2006–) Documents Links Contact

Gibby’s Field
Cedar Cottage, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


The following links may be of interest:

Old Vancouver Creeks

  • Map: Wild, Threatened, Endangered and Lost Streams of the Lower Fraser Valley (DFO, 1998) (You can zoom in and pan about the map — and find where Gibson Creek and Davy Creek met at Gibby’s Field)
  • False Creek Watershed Society — including a map showing Gibson Creek and Davy Creek and the point they met at Gibby’s Field

    Old Vancouver Creeks:   Still Creek/Brunette River

  • Reflecting Still Creek (an ecosystem-based project to restore Still Creek and Renfrew Ravine, facilitated by the Still Moon Arts Society)
  • City of Vancouver’s main web page about Still Creek.
  • City of Burnaby’s web page Environmental Planning including a section on “Local Area and Watershed Plans.”
  • City of New Westminster’s web page about the Environment including “Water Protection and Conservation” of the Brunette River.
  • Metro Vancouver’s main web page about stormwater management and the “Still Creek – Brunette River Drainage Area (the Brunette Basin).”

  • Kensington–Cedar Cottage

  • Kensington–Cedar Cottage community web pages
  • Greening, Parks and Public Places” of Kensington–Cedar Cottage Community Vision — see especially Approved Vision Direction 24.5 “More Usable Parks and School Grounds” and Approved Vision Direction 24.1 “More Greening in Public Places”
  • Kensington–Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee
  • Clark–Knight Corridor Whole Route Analysis Project (All three Community Visions on the Clark–Knight corridor — Kensington–Cedar Cottage, Sunset, and Victoria–Fraserview/ Killarney — call for an improved street environment and increased safety for residents, pedestrians and transit users.)

    City of Vancouver and Greenspace in Kensington–Cedar Cottage

  • Parks in Kensington–Cedar Cottage (Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation)

  • Neighbourhood Greenways Programme (City of Vancouver)

  • Community Gardens (City of Vancouver)
  • Community Gardens (Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation)

    Mount Pleasant

  • Mount Pleasant Blueway — a group working to daylight Mount Pleasant's creeks and reconnect to a biodiverse ecosystem

    Advocates for Greenspace and Urban Ecology in Vancouver

  • Vancouver Public Space Network — Greenspaces
  • Conservation Section of Nature Vancouver (Vancouver Natural History Society)
  • Green Club
  • Wetland Conservation Activities in the Lower Mainland (according to the Bog Blog)

    Advocates for Heritage Preservation in Vancouver

  • Vancouver Historical Society
  • Heritage Vancouver Society

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    2.5 Canada License
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