Annual Report 1999-2000:

1.The committee ended the year on a very positive note. The VPB Arborist Bill Stevens has drafted a reforestation plan for the park, this is to take place when funding is available.

2.The goals for public and committee developed from public consultation process:
· Maintenance, recreation, education, habitat restoration, larger ecological context

3. The wooden kiosk was placed at the parking lot entrance.

4. The Champlain Heights Girl Guides did a major tree planting with trees donated from
Douglas College Institute of Urban Ecology.

5. VPB Budget was increased to $14,000 this year for trail and park maintenance.

6. Environment club started at the School

7. Meeting with VPB staff to finalize work to be done with Capital Plan funds of $55,000

8. Attendance to Capt. Cook Professional day to famiarlize teachers about park and its potential science curriculum.

9.604 Connect Internet Access Grant approved that will provide training as well as a computer and a minimal cost.

10. Several grants were applied for to cover costs of publishing the Interpretive Handbook, one was successful

11. Neighbourhood Community Visions project invited ECPC to attend workshops

12. 2nd annual Dawn Chorus held Sunday May 7

13. BC Eteam intern grant applied for and awarded.

14. Chrissy Rowberry is successful applicant

15. VPB started experimental program of blackberry reduction by removing surface canes and covering surface with layers of wood chips. If this is successful it will be carried out in other city parks

16. Summer music concert was held July 16, 2000

17. Ongoing strategy to develop a Dog Policy for the park, Mike McKintosh attended June meeting to review what is being done City wide.

18. Chrissy Rowberry attended the South Vancouver community Festival at Bobolink Park and set up an information booth about the park

19. City Plan Community visions Program to be held Weekend October 14/15 was cancelled due to city strike

20. Dog policy draft was finalized:
· Dog off leash times & anytime
· Designated area around pond out of bounds for dogs at all times
· Circle trail to 1st lookout off leash at all times, boundary to be determined
· Garbage pails and doggy bags will be placed in park