Monica Franz, MA
I'm the closest
thing to myself
that I know.
~Tom Waits
In addition to my academic and professional credentials, I have also had
a great deal of experience with a large range of clinical issues and
challenges. My ongoing personal exploration and professional
development ensures a continuous enrichment of this foundation, a
practice I look forward to continuing for the duration of my work as a
counsellor, therapist, supervisor, and educator.

I have worked with many people challenged by depression, anxiety, grief,
heart break, life losses and sorrows. Much of what I offer is as simple as
good listening, what is, in my view, the heart of the therapeutic alliance.

Although most of my experience is grounded in private practice, I have
also practiced as a clinical supervisor for such diverse organizations as
Surrey Delta Immigrant Services Society, Options (immigrant services
society), Stopping the Violence and Children Who Witness Abuse
programs, and anti-violence women's organizations.

The privilege of a
lifetime is being who
you are.
~ Joseph Campbell