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The calendar can be enhanced by including a number indicating the day of the year this will facilitate scheduling of workers shifts and lead to a balanced load operation of our physical plant.

This is from an e-mail from a Technocracy on-line discussion. Happy New Year Study Class yes it is now January 1st 1998 A.D. a festive time of year when our fellows greet us with "Happy New Year!"  The founders of Technocracy Inc. chose as the symbol of our group the ancient and generic symbol for balance, Asians use it in black and white (the Yin Yang symbol.) We call it the Monad our colors are vermilion and silver. To Technocrats it stands for a balance between production and distribution.

In the Technocracy study course we learn that in order to facilitate this balance it makes sense to add something to the calendar. (No need to replace our familiar calendar)

The days of the currently used Gregorian calendar's months vary from twenty-eight to thirty-one, the time lapse from new moon to new moon is twenty nine and a fraction days, the phase of the moon shifts about a third of a month in a year.

In order to facilitate a balanced load the only astronomical periods that need be considered are the day and the year. A year consists of 365.2422 mean solar days, therefore we number the days from one to three-hundred-sixty-four plus a zero day and a double zero day every four years.

The Technocracy new year begins on what the Gregorian calendar refers to as March twenty-first (the vernal equinox) this day has equal day and night. Plants recognize this day and begin their lives anew on this day. It seems suitable that we humans do the same, we call it Zero day. The days will then simply be referred to by it's number, as I write this I note that today is day 245.

Once the Technate is established it is likely that those of working age (25-45 years old) with a few exceptions will only be required to put in four, four hour shifts per seven day period. Thereby four-seventh of the workers are active at any given time while three-seventh are free to do as they please. Plus, and get this; workers in addition to the three days off per seven will have seventy-eight consecutive days vacation per year.

If there are six shifts of four hours per day it results in a constant and smooth flow of traffic and usage of all facilities.

No more grid lock, lineups will be a thing of the past. WOW! this alone is enough to make some people supporters of Technocracy Inc. As a Christmas gift I received a very nice watch with a stop watch feature, for amusement I kept track of how much time I wasted waiting in lineups, I was astounded!

Just think, no more driving like a maniac to get there before it closes (everything will be kept open!) No more driving to and fro to get the best price (costs will be the same everywhere!) No more rush hours. Do you get the drift of what your life would be like if this Continent used Technocracy's Technological Social Design or should I snow again!

We can have it if we want it! It often amuses me that so many people want the type of life our design would allow them they are promoters of what Technocracy proposes without even knowing it.

A balanced load upon all Technate facilities is more than just desirable as it will allow the dismantling of many duplicate factories et cetera beginning with the ones that are socially harmful.

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