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CanadaThe other countries involvedand U S of A

and Mexico      and Columbia

Afta Nafta © 

Is going from dystopia to utopia possible?

Sociological natural progression

This presentation is neither a condemnation nor a promotion, of or for, the North American Free Trade Agreement, but rather an examination of the lifestyle that will most probably result from operating our social mechanism on a continental basis. Thoughtful consideration of the information presented will show that the future will be friendly. Not as a result of what is done via the NAFTA program which is being implemented against great opposition by people who for the most part are understandably concerned with the microcosmic parts of it and how it will affect them as individuals, but rather to an expedient post NAFTA maneuver; namely the change from a financial accounting system to that of an Energy Accounting system and the abandonment of political rule in favor of a governance of function.

This should be thought of as the common goal of everyone who chooses to involve themselves with the NAU programs.

 Whether we as individuals may prefer that goal or some other is irrelevant, since we are dealing with a progression that is beyond our individual or collective abilities to arrest. Since this progression unavoidably conflicts with our horse and buggy ideologies and folkways, it is not to be found surprising that restrictive and impeding measures are attempted, but as to the final outcome albeit this is a trite comparison one has only to recall the similar restrictive measures that were attempted with respect to the introduction of the use of the bath tub and of automobiles as well as with respect to most of the other major innovations of the past. Invariably the old ideologies of the past go, and new ones conforming more nearly to the new physical realities take their places.  The conflict that we are now in the midst of is precisely of this sort a conflict between physical reality and the antiquated ideology of a by-gone age. In the case of the automobile, the ultimate solution came by abandoning the attempts at suppression and by devising control measures to fit the physical requirements of the thing being installed. Unlike North Americans both Asians and Europeans know that the day of a single country surviving on its own are over. By observing the European Union our leaders know to some extent what not to do, but do a sufficient number of North Americans really know what we should be doing? Is there a common goal? No and not yet. What these measures may be can be delved into and understood by most people on a this CD where one can simply read a novel depicting what life could be like after NAFTA or undertake a course of study and learn how to consider our social mechanism with an agreed upon goal in a comprehensive way from the whole and working downwards to the details of what must be done thereby gaining synergistic advantage which will greatly increase our chance of coming up with a well coordinated, sustainable and stable social mechanism wherein no citizen need be left out.

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Some history of the NAU programs

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