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The litany and epiphany of the drama, intrigue, gossip and inspiration that makes our organization.


Council is mulling papers by Larry Gordon, Robin Collins, John Packer and Graham Day on the future direction of WFM-C.  Can we become both  a 'think tank' and a 'do tank'?  How can we market our message? A marketing survey is underway.  Council meets again April 16 and will experiment with using Skype internet teleconferencing.  Warren Allmand represented WFM-C at a meeting in Athens of the Global Governance Group, a subsidiary body of the Club of Athens.  Karen Hamilton attended the WFM Council Meeting in the Hague.


One of Executive Director Fergus Watts' projects is to give new energy to  the Peace Operations Working Group
which WFM-C chairs.  This is a subcommittee of a network of organizations that compose 
the Canadian Peacebuilding Coordinating Committee (CPCC).

Nita Dunn is at her post as usual, attending to administrative duties, and studying Shakespeare in her spare time.  Nita recommends the website where the camera zooms from a view of the Milky Way to the inside of a proton by succesive powers of 10.


Donna Lindenberg who has been in charge of copy editing and production has a bold vision for the future of the publication for Council consideration.  She looks forward to a more regular, wide-ranging and substantive  quarterly.


Formed about a year ago, the Communications Group comprises 4 very part-time staffers located across the country who are trying to beef up our media coverage, improve our website, update our publications,  and support  branch operations.   We hope to encourage WF activists to spread the word through articles, letters to the editors and communicating world federalism to  friends, relatives, and strangers at bus stops.


Check out the new Youth Network website at


Montreal - Warren Allmand, WFMC President, spoke on "Global Governance and UN Reform"
at the Montreal Branch Post-Holiday Lunch January 30, 2005.

Ottawa - Next meeting April 28 on
"Human Rights of Conflict Prevention: What Can be Done?"  ( For details of coming meetings of all branches, go to Branch Event Listings.)

Toronto - Congratulations to Heloise Apesteguy-Reux and the Toronto Branch for their successful discussion forum on UN Reform which took place on Mar 9 at the University of Toronto.

Winnipeg - Over 100 people came to hear Lloyd Axworthy speak on Global Citizenship at the 12th Annual Robson Lecture on April 8.  Syd Baumel produced a new introductory pamphlet on world federalism for newcomers.

Vancouver -  The branch helped promote the Travelling World Community Film Festival sponsored by Co-Development Canada which links labour, community, women’s and student groups in Canada with like-minded organisations in 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Vancouver is gearing up for the World Peace Forum and our national AGM to be held June 23-28, 2006.  More info to come.  Mark your calendars!

Victoria - Nine members went on a Pender Island retreat Feb 27/28 and report: 'Apart from a quick half hour walk after lunch first day and some early risers doing another hike before breakfast, we pretty much kept listening and debating for 2 days, with good meals, and interesting life stories told around the meal table helping us discover lots more about our little band than we thought we knew!'


Peter Langille - now teaches in the Political Science Dept. at the University of Western Ontario.  His Globe & Mail article on the need for a UN Emergency Force can be read at

Ross Smyth - A resident of Montreal, Ross joined World Federalists in the 1960's and has given many speeches on the need for better managment of our planet.  Ross is writing his memoirs and will tell the story of Canadian world federalists through the years of the sixties, seventies and eighties.   Ross has also written about his career in aviation.

Dorothea Sheasby - How do you keep them back in Mississauga after they've seen Paris?  Dorothea has recently returned from a Board meeting of the Registry of World Citizens.  Look them up at

Leonard Angel - Inspired by a lecture on eco-footprinting by William Rees, Leonard is comtemplating how we can organize the world so that our global use of resources won't exceed the earth's capacity to replenish them.  See Leonard's article 'The Eco-Plimsoll Line'.

This is the inaugural edition of the WFM-C Buzz.  Its purpose is to demonstrate that you are part of a large number of Canadians across the country trying to advance ideas for a principled and just world through world federalist ideas and ideals.  We welcome your suggestions and comments.  We'll be back assuming popular demand!  



World Federalists support the development of a global community based on the rule of law and democratically accountable international institutions.

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Telephone:   (613) 232-0647   
Fax:   (613) 563-0017