Strategic Plan

On September 27, 2003, the Executive of the BCPOA met and finalized a Strategic plan to focus their energies. The first task was an "Environmental scan" of the various factors influencing our profession, This was distilled into a S.W.O.T. analysisL Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. After some discussion, we thought the word ":Threats" was too negative and catastrophic, so that was changed to "Challenges", hence a S.W.O.C. analysis.





Based on this, we formed a strategic initiative .to address some of the factors. At this time, we have only one Strategic Initiative: preparing for our next Annual Conference, March 25-27, 2004.

A shortened Executive summary has been sent to the Three Ministers and their deputy ministers who are the heads of the three ministries we work for.

Executive Summary | SWOC Analysis | Strategic Initiative