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Tales of the Olde Atlantis


It is part of the legend that the Antediluvians for their time, 10,000 years ago the Neolithic period, were an advanced people this would mean that they had developed a system of agriculture.  The terrain of Olde Atlantis was certainly favorable being mountainous and of all earths continents it was by far the highest above sea level


Those who study the origins of agriculture note that worldwide the first places where cultivation of plants for food took place were in mountainous regions mainly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Keep in mind that before the shift in the earth crust Olde Atlantis was in the temperate Zone actual evidence was discovered in 2009 A.D. when drillers at Antarctica found remains of forest.  The reasons given are restricted access of the mountain valleys and the wide range of altitudes help to produce and select the diversity needed for domestication providing a wide range of temperature and rainfall due to differences of altitude and aspect. They are closed ecological systems of grasses and legumes where mutant forms could thrive and become established. Here also were isolated human communities exerting their own selection pressures for larger seed size, adaptation to drought, humidity and extremes of climate ideal conditions for mutations and selections and adaptation to environmental extremes. Evolution of domesticates is very much promoted by the factors of varied microclimate, aspect, altitude, restricted habitats and human selection which are all present in the inter-tropical mountain zones of the Old and New Worlds. Such a wide range of natural and human selection pressures is not available to the same degree of intensity in other world regions. So we learn from this that the continent of Olde Atlantis was ideally suited as the first place for agriculture to appear on earth.


This being so it would mean that the Antediluvians formed organized communities perhaps eons before any other humans did. If we consider how fast we make advancements for example a mere two centuries ago 85% of North Americans lived in farming communities and no one could travel any faster than 100 MPH and now 85% of us live in cities and we travel 27.000 MPH in a space shuttle. It is anyone’s guess as to how advanced the citizens of Olde Atlantis were compared to earthlings of the Mesolithic era. As far as to their technology if they ever had any comparable to what we have now they must have left it there when the migrated as not one scrap of it has been found, so far. IMHO: if they were sophisticated enough to have had air transport we would have found some trace of their having been to other parts of earth to think otherwise is stretching the boundary of reason and in a word is silly.


Let us assume that those of Olde Atlantis were driven to evacuate their continent by knowledge of an impending shift in the earth’s crust which might render their continent uninhabitable. Since both South Africa and South America were the closest places to go let us look for evidence that they went there and sailed along the coast lines.


Some pertinent questions.



What discernable changes would they make to the places they went



Introduction of the cultivation of plants:

Since humans of that era would be hunter gatherers and subject to privation that being in places where food was scarce it is likely that the antediluvians would introduce agriculture wherever they went. This could explain something that seems to baffle anthropologists, horticulturists, climatologists, historians indeed all who study the past namely rather having its beginnings scattered throughout time how is it that agriculture began at about the same time all over earth? I like to think that those from Olde Atlantis bequeath their knowledge upon cultures they deemed at the time at least to be worthy; this would give them an advantage over the surrounding completive cultures leading to a prominent place in the future.


Most of those who develop theories on topics such as this are hampered in their ability to come up with any acceptable theory due to the prohibition of coming up with something contrary to the gurus of their fields and ecclesiastics. For those who do so excommunication from their field of study or worse is a prospect this causes most so called investigators who would be in good stead amongst their colleagues to exclude any exploration that is, as the expression goes, “thinking outside of the box;” such as any serious delving into the legends of Olde Atlantis. All this aside though as I am a free thinker and will not have truths hidden from me by such pressures.



New designs for buildings

At the same time that agriculture started up in many distant places we note that the shape of buildings went from round (yurts, straw or mud huts, and teepees) to rectangular. It is now believed that the rectangular shapes of the ancient cities found in South America was designed to catch, store, and move water.



What would the antediluvians look like?



My guess is like others who lived in sunny climes they would have brown skin.


One of the recognized places of early agriculture was at the Tehuacán Valley of Mexico, northwest of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.


When encountered by the Spanish conquistadors, the more advanced Native Americans in the New World—the Aztec , Inca, and Maya—already had intensive agricultural economies, but no draft or riding animals and no wheeled vehicles. Squash, beans, peas, and corn had long since been domesticated. Land was owned by clans and other kinship groups or by ruling tribes that had formed sophisticated governments, but not by individuals or individual families. Several civilizations had risen and fallen in Central and South America by the 16th century.


Ah hah, a good clue as this smacks of a civilized people accustomed to abundance as contrasted with those of Europe, the middle east and Asia where things were scarce, where hoarding was a way of life and its attendant concept of private ownership of stuff that was to be defended to the death, preferably of the other person, and acquisition of that which other had was a way of life. The mind sets of such pitiable creatures must have been quite a horrifying shock to what most likely were the cooperative, caring, socially conscious, migrants from Olde Atlantis.


No doubt being suddenly immersed into competitive social systems led to the subjugation and demise of many if not most of the antediluvian migrants and likely keeps many of their descendants at a disadvantage.

Jericho was (founded about 9000 BC.



Since science is best defined as “a methodology for the determination of the most probable;” If those of Olde Atlantis did have advanced science that enabled them somehow to become aware of the impending shift in the earths crust that was to doom their homeland in time to migrate could they have made other long range predictions as to what, if any, mega-changes we of this day and age could expect?



Yes and it is contained in their calendar Mayan edition which ends in the year 2012 with notification that and end is in store for their descendants and perhaps for all of humanity; not the end of life but an end to the old ways of life. As to what the new way of life would be it can be glimpsed by reading a novel which is part of this CD presentation.



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Agriculture defined:

The art, science, and industry of managing the growth of plants and animals for human use. In a broad sense agriculture includes cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting crops, breeding and raising livestock, dairying, and forestry. The Arabs seem to have been the first to domesticate the other animals. Horses and swine first tamed in the center of the orient.



In 2003, 44 percent of the world’s labor force was employed in agriculture. The distribution ranged from 66 percent of the economically active population in sub-Saharan Africa to less than 3 percent in the United States and Canada. In Asia and the Pacific the figure was 60 percent; in Latin America and the Caribbean, 19 percent; and in Europe, 9 percent. Farm size varies widely from region to region. In the early 2000s the average for Canadian farms was about 273 hectares (about 675 acres) per farm; for farms in the United States, 180 hectares (440 acres). By contrast, the average size of a single land holding in India was 2 hectares (about 5 acres).


Mechanical improvements in the traditional wooden plow began in the mid-1600s with small iron points fastened onto the wood with strips of leather. In 1797, Charles Newbold, a blacksmith in Burlington, New Jersey, reconceived of the cast-iron moldboard plow (first used in China nearly 2,000 years earlier). John Deere, another American blacksmith, further improved the plow in the 1830s and manufactured it in steel. Other notable inventions included the seed drill of English farmer Jethro Tull, developed in the early 1700s and progressively improved for more than a century; the reaper of American Cyrus McCormick in 1831; and numerous new horse-drawn threshers, cultivators, grain and grass cutters, rakes, and corn shelters. By the late 1800s, steam power was frequently used to replace animal power in drawing plows and in operating threshing machine. Selective breeding produced improved strains of both farm animals and crop plants. Hybrids (offspring of unrelated varieties or species) of desirable characteristics were developed; especially important for food production was the hybridization of corn in the 1930s.


GM foods:

The most important crops are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn, and rye; sugarcane and sugar beets; meat animals such as sheep, cattle, goats, and pigs or swine; poultry such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys; animal products such as milk, cheese, and eggs; and nuts and oils. Fruits, vegetables, and olives are also major foods for people. Feed grains for animals include soybeans, field corn, and sorghum. The human race now survives on about 80 specie of plants many, if not most of which are being genetically modified and patented it would seem that some corporate cartel is trying to corner the world wide market of food plants.


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