FYI: Beta version 05/05/05

Continuing education has been my lifestyle.

I have acquired a score or more certificates (under different names) from colleges, trade schools, via correspondence courses, night schools, and technical institutes. Many of my days have been spent on some campus. Even when not attending classes I was often on campus hanging out at the SUB every Friday. On Saturdays I could be found at various universities judo, or fencing clubs.  Student autonomy has always been important to me, so I did what I could to keep in touch with what was going on throughout our educational system


Some of the accomplishments of which I am most pleased are:

a) Winner of third prize for all of Canada in a 25 words or less contest.
b) I have been editor of more than one community league newspaper.
c) Fought city hall and won. All of a communities houses were to be torn down.
d) I requested, received, and successfully completed the second of the then federal governments LIP grants. This was quite a success I even received a handshake and congratulations from the then Prime Minister of Canada

e) Put up and maintained for about eleven years 2 social change web sites.


Employment history


CDs home page