Last update 2010 Feb. 2nd

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My Quest:

 In the sixties I went to San Francisco to `be a hippy.' I felt that our society was not working for the majority of people and that some changes had to be made. At the time talk of this was everywhere, but the center of it seemed to be in Frisco, if any action was to be taken as far as social improvement was concerned I thought it would start from there, plus people there seemed to be having a LOT of fun, so I tidied up my affairs and left. I `dropped out' of the establishment. In Frisco I party’d on dude for as long as I could take it. There were people giving speeches about our flawed social system everywhere. Although, there were some nut cases many were, like my self, serious seekers. Many were very knowledgeable -- sharp people. I got around the country and met many social change types, which usually had one of three objectives.


1] Some wanted to split from the system they despised, and live happily ever after with like minded people in communes.

2] Some wanted to change the system from within it via electoral reform et cetera. 

3] Others sought an end to the system and the building of a more equitable system.


This latter group was the one that I joined. I did not align myself with the first group feeling that we would prosper or perish as a whole not as tribes. I did not join the #2 group as I felt that any changes made could and would, after a few years, simply be reversed by a few pen strokes. That is what has happened. (IMF -- GATT -- MAI. – NAU -- WTO. -- FEMA – SPP -- NEXUS – NAFTA)


“I knew that a REALISTIC PLAN for the day to day operation of our country was a must.
 No group seemed to have one So, I went on a quest to see if anyone did have a plan.”


By this time I loved everyone and was very interested in what my fellow humans were up to. Throughout my life I have tried to spend some time with as many different types of people as I could trying their life styles on for size. Although I enjoyed success many times, well none seemed to fit me. I remained just another hippie to which the establishment at times took exception. I am not a loner  I took some time off from my quest to be a husband and a father.  Oh yeah! I found the plan it had already been devised, years before, by other scientists! Since it is not just wishful thinking it has every chance of success. Although few people like the word I say use of this plan is inevitable! I say this after having spent over 20 years in study of this plan. An Organization was formed to preserve this plan; in order to have some guidance in my studies I joined it. They have been publishing articles about the plan for 75 years! With so much text to choose from it was hard work picking out which articles to include. Please note that all the material does not originate with the caretaker Organization.


This plan is what we have all been looking for. I have been truly astounded, time and time again, in that this plan embraces all socially responsible causes.

  If your `trip' during the sixties was:  Free your mind. Expand your consciousness.
I ask you and then what?


Perhaps the plan will provide something worthy for such minds. We social change people can all be quite proud for our children are mankind’s first enlightened generation. Our personal awakenings and our collective social consciousness resulted in the first global social revolution away from self interest and slavish obedience to elite power groups. Be it known that our ability to excel has put us into positions of great influence world wide. Astounding as it may seem I state with confidence that collectively we are now in control of human affairs. If so, then the burning questions are: what are we going to do with this not understood control? Will we waste this the last decade of our lives wherein we have enough health and personal power to accomplish things? Will we fritter away this power trying to stop solar driven warming of an entire planet? Or mindlessly trying to oppose the NAU programs and thereby maintain individual nation states in an age that requires operating human social mechanisms on a continental basis? Are these nation states not the very same establishments that have tried to destroy us and anyone else who would be free?  Yup they are! So why are you defending their existence? Time is a’wasting and we are not getting younger.


Yeah, my quest was successful but when I tried to let the others know that there was a usable plan well I could not as odd as it sounds find them? Some were dead the others had blended into the establishment or had given up. For most of my life, since then, I have gone to countless meetings of scores of social change groups and the one thing that most social change groups have in common is a need for and lack of a leader who can think in comprehensive terms and has a specific methodology for the achievement of the group’s goals. Someone who can see beyond the short term and carries the same dream for a life without the hassles of money and nightmarish domination by special interest groups backed political rulers.


Money can be replaced by Energy Accounting. Political rule can be replaced by a governance of function wherein technical people engineers and the like are operating our technology not businessmen whose only objectives are on paper profits. Production for use not for profit can be achieved. How this would work is all here. I spent nearly 14 years trying to find this plan, after some 25 years spent being coached in my study of it I was able to produce this presentation; it is, well, my life’s work. And well worth all it cost me. So check it out and you will know how to proceed.


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Decades later, without a plan, those who wanted to replace the system became part of the fix the system group. Then as the years passed and their efforts to make lasting changes to the system proved futile they shifted their focus to the stopping of wars, bettering the lot of those on other continents, and now those who at one time wanted to make our society more free and equitable are trying to lower the amount of carbon dioxide that is given off by whatever to cool off an entire planet.. Yoo Hoo! Perhaps it is time to return to what we all wanted to accomplish all those years ago. I can say this now as the missing ingredient namely a usable plan for a completely different social system has been found.


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Taking the Whole Earth Digital, from chapter 4

In a 1995 special issue of Time magazine entitled "Welcome to Cyberspace," Stewart Brand wrote an article arguing that that the personal computer revolution and the Internet had grown directly out of the counterculture. "We Owe It All to the Hippies," claimed the headline.  "Forget antiwar protests, Woodstock, even long hair. The real legacy of the sixties generation is the computer revolution." According to Brand, and to popular legend then and since, Bay area computer programmers had imbibed the countercultural ideals of decentralization and personalization, along with a keen sense of information's transformative potential, and had built those into a new kind of machine. In the late 1960s and the early 1970s, Brand and others noted, computers had largely been mainframes, locked in the basements of universities and corporations, guarded by technicians. By the early 1980s, computers had become desktop tools for individuals, ubiquitous and seemingly empowering. One had only to look at the machines themselves to see that the devices through which the leaders of government and industry had sought to manage the world had been wrested from their hands.


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A new and perhaps final way
of dis-empowering ALL power elite groups


            For as long is it is possible for elite power groups to  hire others to do their bidding  and  pay to have their own people elected to positions of political power they will continue to rule over others despite….. Well everything resisters can ever do within the current price system. Just suppose for this moment that a plan for a social operation for all of North America that did not involve electing ANYONE to a position of political power existed. Wait there is one more supposition. Further suppose that this plan excluded the use of money IN ANY FORM.  OK, now it follows that if such a plan was used no one could be paid to do the bidding of any of the power elite groups that we activists have been warning others about and trying to shut down. If there were no way that the ancient power elite groups could get their members elected to positions of authority they could not use government resources to attain positions of power and the ability to impose their olde world way of life on others.


The Plan

            Suppositions aside such a plan exists and anyone who follows the links will both learn about the plan and see quite plainly that the entire Continent of North America can soon be operated without elected politicians or the usage of money. Without the need, or ability, to collect money, (since it is no longer used,) and taxes are money, there will be no point in electing anyone to direct the spending of taxes! Yup, political rule is hereby ended. Switching to a new type of accounting called energy accounting can, as a matter of course, free us all from the hand tool era method of social management known as political rule! No more electing a used car salesman to run our medical program then, when things go wrong, replacing him with a wrestler


The adoption of energy accounting can both put an end to political domination
 and the completion of a corporate driven Police State.

            The majority of people having lost faith in our corrupt political system do not vote now. Governments are typically elected by less than 20% of the people. Those who always vote are very old people and those who have come from other cultures, (most of these people are obsessed with having jobs and doing things by hand.) In order to get, and keep, old peoples support those elected ignore job replacing technology and try to keep things the way they have always been. Old people now live in fear of being victims of crime most vote for whichever party will hire more police. To get the immigrant vote concessions must be made such as giving them special status in hiring practices and wide open immigration. These two groups have hand tool era mind sets. Those they empower prevent adaptation to our changing times. To all "social change" activists I say, get this plan happening why try to fix our moribund social system, and thereby perpetrate, a hopeless situation? No need to come up with a plan an achievable science based plan exists. Astounding, yes, at first it is.


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