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International Criminal Court - Action Alert

Printable Letter

Printable Letter

Draft E-mail to Bill Graham, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada
(Text provided -edit as required)

If the pop-up version (clicking on above) does not work for you, you may wish to cut and paste the printable letter. mailto:
[email protected]

Draft E-mail to George W. Bush, President of the United States
(Text provided -edit as required)

If the pop-up version (clicking on above) does not work for you, or if you are writing a letter, you may wish to cut and paste the text below: mailto:
[email protected], and blind cc to [email protected]
subject=International Criminal Court

Dear President Bush - Dwight D. Eisenhower said, 'The world no longer has a choice between force and law. If civilization is to survive, it must choose the rule of law.' If there is to be law, there must be courts to enforce the law. We call on you to join the other members of the Security Council, the members of the European Union, a total of 76 countries which have ratified the treaty for an International Criminal Court. And we ask you to differentiate the United States from countries such as North Korea, Libya and China which have not. Sincerely,.......

For background information on the International Criminal Court, go to

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