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Gibby’s Field
Cedar Cottage, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Gibby’s Field Subcommittee:  
Chronology of 2006-2013 Activities


April 2002:   Last record of work by the Gibby’s Field Group, which the Gibby’s Field Subcommittee has built on.

Thu 7 September 2006:   Dan Fass spoke about Gibby’s Field at a Kensington-Cedar Cottage (KCC) CityPlan Committee meeting, Trout Lake Community Centre.   Minutes are available online. 

Sat 21 October 2006:   Two-page history “Gibby’s Field, Moses Gibson, and Gibson Creek” prepared by Dan Fass.

Thu 2 November 2006:   Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee Meeting.  Minutes from the meeting. 

Thu 7 December 2006:   Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee Meeting.  Meeting minutes

Fri 15 December 2006:   Letter delivered to Mark Vulliamy, Manager of Park Planning and Research, Park Board.   Also delivered:  copies of the two-page history and two-page photo documents.  

January 2007:    Photos of Gibby’s Field taken by Jeff Nulty.

Thu 11 January 2007:    Meeting of Gibby’s Field Subcommittee, Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House. 

Thu 1 February 2007:    Vision Statement for Gibby’s Field approved at KCC CityPlan Committee meeting, Trout Lake Community Centre.  Vision Statement available online.   Minutes from the CityPlan Committee meeting.

Mon 5 February 2007:   Two-page history accepted by Special Collections, downtown Vancouver Public Library. 

Wed 21 February 2007:   Interviews by Dan Fass with Florence Anderson and Mary Freeman at Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House.   Some corrections and additions made 28 February.     Florence and Mary both remember when Gibson’s Creek flowed through Gibby’s Field.

Thu 1 March 2007:   Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee Meeting.  Minutes from the meeting. 

Thu 8 March 2007:    Meeting at UBC of three people from KCC CityPlan Committee (Kim and Jeff Nulty, Dan Fass) with seven people from Community Studio, a student-run community service project within UBC’s Landscape Architecture programme, with a view to doing collaborative work about Gibby’s Field.

Sun 11 March 2007:   Two-page history “Gibby’s Field, Moses Gibson, and Gibson Creek, Revised” prepared by Dan Fass.   Revision of 21 October 2006 version. 

March 2007:   Gibby’s Field: A Green Space with a Colourful History” by Dan Fass.   Published in KCC (Kensington–Cedar Cottage) Neighbour (distribution: 15,000 households and local businesses and organizations), March 2007, Issue 6, page 6 (8.08 MB download).

Wed 11 April 2007:    Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Annual Community Meeeting (ACM), Kensington Community Centre.     Dan Fass gave a presentation about Gibby’s Field using a display prepared by the City (“Community Groups:    Gibby’s Field”).   Olive Cairns present.   Olive remembers when Gibson’s Creek flowed through Gibby’s Field.

Thu 3 May 2007:   Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee Meeting.  Minutes from the meeting. 

Sat 12 May 2007:    Table at Plant Sale and Carnival, Tyee Elementary School, 3535 Dumfries Street.   In attendance from Gibby’s Field Subcommittee:   Jeff and Kim Nulty, Sherron Soo, Dan Fass.   Digital photos available of this event by Jeff Nulty. 

Sun 13 May 2007:   Picnic at Gibby’s Field.  650 one-page announcements of the picnic (in English and Chinese), prepared by Megan Turnock, distributed by hand in the neighbourhood around Gibby’s Field.   Two displays — “Gibby’s Field Past ...” and “Gibby’s Field Present ... Future?” — prepared by Community Studio.  As many as 125 attended, including 14 volunteers.   Those present who remember when Gibson’s Creek used to flow through Gibby’s Field:   Florence Anderson, Pat Lee, and her friend Cameron Hart.   Digital photos available of this event by Jeff Nulty. 

Thu 7 June 2007:   Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee Meeting.  Minutes from the meeting. 

Sat 16 June 2007:  Gibby’s Field workshop, St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1593 E. 18th Ave at Fleming.   650 one-page announcements of the picnic (in English and Chinese), prepared by Megan Turnock, distributed by hand in the neighbourhood around Gibby’s Field.  Workshop coordinated by Community Studio.    Workshop leader:    Megan Turnock, Community Studio.  19 attendees (including volunteers from Community Studio and Gibby’s Field Subcommittee).    Workshop report prepared by Megan Turnock.   Digital photos available of this event by Jeff Nulty. 

Sat 16 June 2007:   Contact list compiled of 112 people interested in Gibby’s Field, excluding elected officials and City staff. 

September 2007:   Update on Gibby’s Field: A Green Space with a Colourful History” by Dan Fass.   Published in KCC (Kensington–Cedar Cottage) Neighbour, September 2007, Issue 7, page 6 (5.85 MB download).

Thu 14 February 2008:   Launch of Gibby’s Field website (http://www.vcn.bc.ca/gibbys). 

Wed 20 February 2008:   E-mail sent to Mark Vulliamy, Manager of Park Planning and Research, Park Board.   The E-mail provided an update of work by the Gibby’s Field Subcommittee, including the launch of the website. The e-mail noted three aspects of Gibby’s Field, and citizen interest in the place, that support the Committee’s aims:   (1) the unique merit of the site, (2) the prolonged community interest in Gibby’s Field, and (3) the consistency of community visions for Gibby’s Field over time.   Links were provided to parts of the Gibby’s Field website about those aspects.  

Mon 10 March 2008:   Site tour of Gibby’s Field by Park Board Commissioners Spencer Chandra Herbert and Loretta Woodcock (with Mavis Dixon and Dan Fass).

Tue 18 March 2008:   Vancouver–Mount Pleasant MLA Jenny Kwan expressed interest in Gibby’s Field and asked to be kept updated.

March 2008:   Gibby’s Field Website” by Dan Fass.   Published in KCC (Kensington–Cedar Cottage) Neighbour, March 2008, Issue 8, page 20 (4.4 MB download).

Thu 3 April 2008:   Kensington-Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee Meeting. 

Wed 9 April 2008:   Dan Fass gave presentation about Gibby’s Field to Nature Vancouver (formerly Vancouver Natural History Society) Conservation Section.   Fass’s presentation from the meeting. 

Mon 21 April 2008:   Dan Fass gave presentation about Gibby’s Field to Save Our Parkland Association. The presentation was the same as the presentation for Nature Vancouver. 

2:30pm–4pm Sun 4 May 2008:   Free walking tour of Gibson Creek including Gibby’s Field as part of the Jane’s Walk 2008 event.  

2pm–4pm Sat 2 May 2009:   Free walking tour of Gibson Creek including Gibby’s Field as part of the Jane’s Walk 2009 event.   Description and registration for the Gibson Creek tour.

Noon–6pm Sun 14 June 2009:   Display about Gibby’s Field as part of False Creek Watershed Society table at Car-Free Festival on Commercial Drive.  

10am–noon Sun 13 September 2009:   Free walking tour of Gibson Creek including Gibby’s Field as part of Lost Streams Walks:   Six walks organized by the False Creek Watershed Society from 12–26 September.   Description and registration for the Gibson Creek tour.  

October 2009:   Gibson Creek Walk” by Dan Fass.   Published in KCC (Kensington–Cedar Cottage) Neighbour, October 2009, Issue 11, page 4 (5.1 MB download).

November 2009:   32-page history booklet “Historical Walking Tour of Gibson Creek Through Kensington–Cedar Cottage” prepared by Dan Fass.   Available online in PDF format (1.25 MB download). 

Sun 3 January 2010:   Two-page history “Gibby’s Field, Moses Gibson, and Gibson Creek, Revised” prepared by Dan Fass.   Replacement of 11 March 2007 version.   Available online in HTML or PDF formats. 

Tue 13 April 2010:   “Map of schools, colleges, and the China Creek watershed.”   Available online in PDF format (1.31 MB download). 

2:30pm–4pm Sat 1 May 2010:   Free walking tour of Gibson Creek including Gibby’s Field as part of the Jane’s Walk 2010 event.   Place to register online

10:30pm–noon Wed 5 May 2010:   Talk: “Mount Pleasant as part of the China Creek watershed.” Mount Pleasant Library, 1 Kingsway, Vancouver. By arrangement with Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House.

2:30pm–4:30pm Sun 4 July 2010:   Walking tour of Gibson Creek including Gibby’s Field for Vancouver Historical Society. (VHS members only.) 

Sun 5 September 2010:   Table at Flying Carpet Festival, Clark Park (in the large field at the west side of the park bounded by Maddams, 14th & 15th).   Website: www.theatreintheraw.ca/flying-carpet-festival.html.

2pm–4pm Sat 18 September 2010:   Gibby’s Field — remnants of the last surviving creek bed of the once-vast China Creek system with Dan Fass.   Lost Streams Walk organized by the False Creek Watershed Society.   By donation.   Description and registration for the walk.. 

Wed 10 November 2010:   Site tour of Gibby’s Field by Vancouver City Councillor Suzanne Anton.   (Cllr Anton is the first City Councillor and fourth elected official to visit Gibby’s Field.   Three Park Board Commissioners have visited previously:   Clarence Hansen in 2001, and Spencer Herbert and Loretta Woodcock in 2008.)

Sat 15 January 2011:   Site tour of Gibby’s Field by Vancouver City Councillor Andrea Reimer, with Dan Fass, Mavis Dixon.

Sun 30 January 2011:    The Gibby’s Field Subcommittee affiliated with the False Creek Watershed Society in the same manner as Mount Pleasant Blueway.   (Mount Pleasant Blueway is a group working to daylight Mount Pleasant's creeks and reconnect to a biodiverse ecosystem.)

Fri 25 February 2011:   Tyee Elementary Montessori Society applied for a Vancouver 125th Anniversary Small-Scale Grant for an artist-in-residence project where students would create 125 mosaic stepping stones illustrating different aspects of Gibby’s Field.

Wed 16 March 2011:   Gibby’s Field was nominated as a site for the Vancouver 125 “Places that Matter” project.   This project, organized by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation, is to select 125 sites where plaques will be mounted commemorating people, places, and events that helped to shape Vancouver.

2:30pm–4:30pm Sun 7 May 2011:    Free walking tour of Gibson Creek and Gibby’s Field as part of the Think City Tours event.  

9:45am–12:15pm Thu 12 May 2011:   Three presentations (Dan Fass with Florence Anderson and Olive Cairns) about the creeks close by Lord Selkirk Elementary School, 1750 East 22nd Avenue, as part of the school’s Centennial celebrations.  

6:45pm–8:45pm Wed 8 June 2011:   Gibson Creek and Gibby’s Field Bike Ride.   (Part of Velopalooza 2011.)   Meet at Tecumseh Park, northwest corner, 1700 block of East 43rd Ave (between Argyle St and Commercial St).   Free.  

Wed 3 August 2011:    The Vancouver Heritage Foundation informed the Gibby’s Field Subcommittee that Gibby’s Field had been selected to receive a plaque as one of Vancouver’s 125 Places That Matter. Gibby’s Field will be commemorated, together with 124 other Vancouver sites, “by installing a plaque. The plaque and the project website, linked to the plaque through Smartphone technology, will explain the history and value of the site.”  

11:15am–noon Fri 16 September 2011:   “The History of Gibson Creek: From Kensington Park to China Creek Park North” (Dan Fass with Florence Anderson and Olive Cairns).   Talk to seniors at Kensington Community Centre, 5175 Dumfries Street.  

Mon 26 September 2011:  Gibson Creek walk for teachers from Sir Richard McBride Elementary School, 1300 East 29th Avenue.  

November 2011:    Gibby’s Field to Receive One of 125 Places That Matter Plaques” by Dan Fass.   Published in KCC (Kensington–Cedar Cottage) Neighbour, November 2011, Issue 15 (special historical issue), page 17 (7.8 MB download).

1pm–4:30pm Sat 19 May 2012:   Gibby's Field table display at "Water Is Life: what healthy water means to us all" event at the Roundhouse Community Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews (corner of Davie and Pacific).   Confirmed speakers so far include:   Celia Brauer (False Creek Watershed Society — sewers, runoff, beach health, special events, engaging the public), Bryn Davidson (St. George's Creek Blueway — daylighting a city street), Christianne Wilhelmson (Georgia Strait Alliance — sewage treatment in Vancouver), Dr. John Richardson (Professor of Forest Science, UBC — The Fraser River: North Arm and Estuary health), Sven Biggs (Wilderness Committee — tankers in Burrard Inlet), and Andrea Reimer (City of Vancouver Councillor — Greenest City Initiative).   Free.  

Sun 20 May 2012:   The first of a number of site visits to Gibby’s Field (through to April 2013) by Jessica Quan (Special Projects Coordinator, Vancouver Heritage Foundation) with Dan Fass.

6:45pm–8:45pm Wed 27 June 2012:   Gibson Creek and Gibby’s Field Bike Ride.   (Part of Velopalooza 2012.)   Meet at Tecumseh Park, northwest corner, 1700 block of East 43rd Ave (between Argyle St and Commercial St).   The ride will finish close to the VCC-Clark SkyTrain station.   Free.  

2pm–4pm Sun 9 September 2012:   “A Lost Stream Walk - Gibson Creek” with Dan Fass.   (One of six walks in Earth Walks Vancouver Summer/Fall 2012.)   Free.   Description and registration for the walk. 

Wed 10 October 2012:   Gibby’s Field/Gibson Creek presentation and walking tour with Mrs Lublow’s grade 4/5/6 class at Tyee Elementary School, 3525 Dumfries Street. 

Sat 3 November 2012:   Site visit to Gibby’s Field with Vancouver City Councillor Andrea Reimer, Jessica Quan (Special Projects Coordinator, Vancouver Heritage Foundation), Dan Fass, Mavis Dixon.

2:30pm Sat 23 February 2013:   Gathering at the home of local residents Val Kalk and Sam Kwan to celebrate seniors that have shared the history of the neighbourhood, and an opportunity for them to share their stories.   Also, an opportunity to show those present the historical plaque to be installed at Gibby’s Field.

2pm Fri 3 May 2013:   Plaque ceremony at Gibby’s Field, 1458 East 18th Avenue, in the dip between Knight and Dumfries.   Those in attendance included seniors Olive Cairns and Florence Anderson who are both in their 90s and remember Gibson Creek, which ran through Gibby’s Field as late as 1944, and descendants of one-time local landowner Moses Gibson, who gave his name to Gibby’s Field.   (Those in attendance also included Vancouver–Kingsway MP Don Davies and City of Vancouver Councillor Andrea Reimer.)   For more about the ceremony, including images of the plaque, see www.vcn.bc.ca/gibbys/plaque.htm#ceremony.

3pm Fri 3 May 2013:   Reception (with the seniors and Gibson family from the ceremony) at Tyee Elementary School, 3525 Dumfries Street, a short walk from Gibby’s Field.   Displays about Gibby's Field by the Gibby’s Field Subcommittee and Mrs. Lublow’s grade 4/5/6 class at Tyee.   Displays also from the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and False Creek Watershed Society.   All welcome.   (Those in attendance also included Don Davies, Andrea Reimer, and three provincial candidates for Vancouver–Mount Pleasant:   Jeremy Gustafson, Jenny Kwan, and Peter Marcus.)

4pm Fri 3 May 2013:   Jane’s Walk walking tour (60–75 minutes) starting and ending at Tyee Elementary, stopping “on” a bridge over Gibson Creek at East 20th Avenue, near the location of Moses Gibson’s farmhouse.   The tour also stopped along the path of Davey Creek, another local creek that used to meet Gibson Creek at Gibby’s Field.   See also the tour description at the Jane’s Walk Vancouver website.

2:30pm–4:30pm Sun 8 September 2013:   Walking tour of Gibson Creek and Gibby’s Field organized by the False Creek Watershed Society.   Tour description and registration.

Mon 11 November 2013:   Site tour of Gibby’s Field by Park Board Commissioner Trevor Loke (with Dan Fass).

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