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- Bertrand Creek Enhancement Society -

                    B.C.E.S. is a non-profit society working to immprove the conditions of the Bertrand Creek
                  the Salish Sucker, and the Nooksack Dace . B.C.E.S. has been instrumental in cleaning
                    up the creek in the urban area making small parks and trail systems. We have also worked
                    with Langley Enviromental Partners Society (L.E.P.S.) to fence the creek in agricultural areas
                    preventing livestock from harming spawning fish.ivestock from harming spawning fish.

At B.C.E.S. our motto is "A vision without a task is but a dream" ,and our vision is to restore and revitalize Bertrand Creek as a harmonius corridor that relates optimum wildlife habitat to the legacy of a viable recreation setting.Thus our task is to bring Bertrand Creek back to a natural clean produtive stream, with a green belt and well treed streamsides with small parks, trails, bridges, view points and interpretive signs, that are in harmony with fish, wildlife and the community giving people a place to teach, relax and enjoy nature.

To achieve this B.C.E.S. must.
  1. Raise awareness of Bertrand Creek
  2. Raise community pride and ownership in Bertrand Creek .
  3. Streamside Vegetation Management.
  4. Protecting the stream and stream edges.
  5. Instream complexing.
  6. Building trails and bridges along the stream green way corridor, including small park areas, viewpoints and interpretive signs.
  7. Maintaining existing man-made structures and the natural enviroment.

                 AGM Highlights      Photos

Bertrand Creek Enhancement Society
P.O. Box 1332
Aldergrove, British Columbia
V4W 2V1
  [email protected]

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