Dr. Alan Kaye Cleared of Causing Cerebral Palsy Jan. 2006 WALLS Bulletin (Win Abortion Liability Law Suits) Jan. 2006 (Brent Rooney, [email protected]) In the Spring of 2004 Australian Mr. Justice Michael Grove found obstetrician Dr. Alan Kaye not guilty of causing cerebral palsy in Kristy Bruce (born in 1989). Grove wrote, "...As a matter of hindsight, considerable suspicion must be directed to the very recent termination which Ms. Chevelle underwent just prior to becoming pregnant with the plaintiff..." (1) In Kristy's case, her mother's uterus ruptured as labour began, probably because it was perforated during an abortion a year earlier, about which she had not told her obstetrician. Kristy's brain was starved of oxygen and, when she was born by emergency caesarean she had an APGAR score - a measure of a newborn's health - of zero. (1) Kristy Bruce was born post-term. However, no matter what the gestation length, it is plausible that the infection risk of prior SIAs (Surgical Induced Abortions) imparts an elevated risk of CP. Karin Nelson and Judith Grether reported that mothers with a temperature exceeding 38 degrees Celsus (a sign of infection) had 9.3 times the risk of having a full-term newborn with unexplained cerebral palsy. (2) In September 2005 Planned Parenthood of Australia admitted to three PTB risk factors via induced abortion on their online consent form, namely: 1. "Infections, most of which are easily identified and treated if the woman carefully observes the discharge instructions given and explained to them prior to leaving the facility" .... 2. "Incompetent cervix/stenosed cervix (too tight or too loose cervix which may impair future fertility)"... 3. "...adhesions in uterus that may impair future fertility)"... (3) [another risk listed was: "Depression or mood disturbance, suicide" ]. Nowhere on that form was the raised risk of a future premature birth mentioned. (3) Plaintiff lawyers and courts may consider this inconsistent consent form as evidence of medical negligence. Other Defendant Doctors may use the 'Dr. Alan Kaye defense' of ABD Dr. Alan Kaye used the prior SIA history of the mother, Sharon Chevelle, in successfully defending himself in a medical negligence law suit. Other doctors also accused of causing birth defects, may employ the 'Dr. Alan Kaye defense' by attributing a BD (Birth Defect) to prior induced abortions. Some plaintiffs may choose to sue abortion doctors for causing their birth defects instead of the obstetrician who delivered them. Thus, recently graduated obstetricians and gynecologists should prudently avoid performing elective procedures with elevated odds of BDs. Since SIAs elevate both the risk of PTBs (Preterm Births) and breast cancer, it may be legally prudent for doctors to withhold elective abortion procedures when the benefits do not exceed the risks of breast cancer, PTBs, and other serious risks. Here is a list of SIA risks contained in the PPA online consent form of 14 September 2005: ". Post abortion syndrome . Blood clots accumulating in the uterus, bleeding or pain requiring another suctioning. . Excessive bleeding that may require a blood transfusion . Residual products of conception may be left in the uterus, requiring a repeat procedure . Infections, most of which are easily identified and treated if the woman carefully observes the discharge instructions given and explained to them prior to leaving the facility . A tear in the cervix that may require stitches. . Perforation of the wall of the uterus and/or organs that may heal themselves or may require surgical repair or rarely hysterectomy. . Failure of termination of pregnancy that does not end the pregnancy which requires that the procedure is repeated . Excessive bleeding due to failure of the uterus to contract that may require a blood transfusion . Incompetent cervix/stenosed cervix (too tight or too loose cervix which may impair future fertility) . Asherman's syndrome (cessation of periods and adhesions in uterus that may impair future fertility) . Depression or mood disturbance, suicide . False passage/channel in the cervix, not allowing entry into the uterus." (3) ................. Overcoming the burden of legally proving 'causation' Let's say 'Alice' sues the abortion doctor ('Dr. Cal') for causing her premature birth and handicap of CP (Cerebral Palsy). The burden of proving causation is on the shoulders of 'Alice'. How can she sharply lighten this burden? By demonstrating to the court that the prior IA procedure was strongly contraindicated. In a coming WALLS Bulletin I will demonstrate that the vast majority of IA (Induced Abortion) procedures are strongly contraindicated due to the elevated risks of: 1. Breast Cancer 2. Suicide 3. All-Cause mortality How many yearly U.S. cases of CP are due to prior induced abortions? I estimate that there are roughly 1,700 cases of U.S. newborn with CP yearly due to mothers' prior SIAs and that the U.S. total excess cases of CP due to SIAs from 1 Jan. 1980 to 1 Jan. 2006 is approximately 35,400. The total number of badly birth defected newborn due to Thalidomide (in Europe) in the early 1960s most likely lies between 5,000 and 19,000 (median value: 12,000). It would not be inaccurate to term surgical induced abortion as: 'Surgical Thalidomide' The 'Berlin Wall of Abortion' will fall and the venue will be USA court rooms. ................................................... Brent Rooney Reduce Preterm Risk Coalition 3456 Dunbar St. (146) Vancouver, Canada V6S 2C2 email: [email protected] References: 1 "Bruce v Kaye", http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/supreme_ct/2004/277.html 2 Nelson K, Grether J. Maternal infection and cerebral palsy in infants of normal birth weight. JAMA 1997;278:207-211 3 http://websites.golden-orb.com/plannedparenthood/100158.php (accessed on 14 September 2005; PPA may choose to delete this form in the future) ............................ P.S. Brent Rooney Publishing credits: web: http://www.jpands.org/vol8no2/rooney.pdf http://www.jpands.org/vol9no3/correspondence.pdf http://www.jpands.org/vol10no3/correspondence.pdf Elective Surgery boosts Cerebral Palsy risk. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001;96(2):239-240 Having an induced abortion increases risk in future pregnancies. British Medical Journal 2001;322:430 Induced Abortion and Risk of Later Premature Births. [co-author Dr. Byron C. Calhoun] Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2003;8(2):46-49 URL: www.jpands.org/vol8no2/rooney.pdf "Is Cerebral Palsy Ever a Choice?" The Post-Abortion Review. 2000 (Oct.-Dec.);8(4):4-5 Delayed birth equals more cancers and preterm births. Western Journal of Medicine. 2001;174:385-386 Low Birth Weight: Reducing the Risk (Birthing mag. , Fall 1998) Racism, Poverty, Abortion, and Other Reproductive Outcomes. EPIDEMIOLOGY 2000;11:740-741 Is elective induced abortion healthy for women and their future newborn? Ars Medica [Spanish language] 2002;4(#6):95-111 http://escuela.med.puc.cl/publ/ArsMedica/ArsMedica6/Art09.html An Early First Birth for Breast Cancer Prevention (ALIVE mag., April 1997) No Breast Cancer for My Daughter - How to Reduce the Risk, ALIVE magazine, July/August 1995) [ALIVE: highest circulation health mag. in Canada] Escape from Breast Cancer - (published on the world wide web: www.vcn.bc.ca/~whatsup/ESCAPE.html ) Feedback from medical professionals & 1 health writer about Escape from Breast Cancer: 1. Dr. Zoltan Rona (medical editor of Health Wise Digest) During his 28 Nov. 1998 talk in Toronto (Preventing and Treating Breast Cancer Naturally) Dr. Rona recommended Escape from Breast Cancer to his audience; Rona is the medical editor of the classic: Encyclopedia of Natural Healing 2. Dr. Bob Martin [Dr. Bob Martin (www.drbobmartin.com) hosts a very popular radio health talk show, Health Talk] From: "Dr. Bob Martin"Subject:Re:Best Breast Cancer Prevention site: www.nocancer.net Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 12:56:29 -0700 [my new site is located at: www.vcn.bc.ca/~whatsup/ESCAPE.html] DEAR BRENT: I LOVE THE SITE! BE ASSURED, THAT I WILL RECOMMEND IT HEARTLY. THANK YOU, FOR MENTIONING MY NAME IN THE ORAL CHELATION SECTION. ALSO, I APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT OF MY PROFESSION. ..... KINDEST REGARDS DR. BOB MARTIN ....................................................................... 3. Hans Larsen (ALIVE magazine) [Hans Larsen is the editor of the International Health News section of ALIVE magazine] Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 10:22:58 -0700 (PDT) From: hans larsen Subject: Your website Dear Brent: I've finally taken a look at your website. It's an excellent source of information on breast cancer prevention. I've added a link to your site from "Our Favourite Places". With kindest regards, Hans 4. Joel Brind (PhD) - professor of Endocrinology , City University of New York: "your excellent website....." (July 14, 2000) Feedback