Chapter C1. Foods that reduce risk of Breast Cancer 
    (from    Breast Cancer? Breast Health!   (Susan W. Weed))

 almonds        amaranth       apples          apricots     apricot-pits
 barley         barley grass   beans           beets        beet root
 Bok Choy       broccoli     brussels sprouts  burkock root cabbage
 carrots        cauliflower    celery          celery seeds cereal grasses
 chickpeas      collards       corn            cucumbers    dandelion
 figs           flax seeds (ground)            garlic       ginger
 grapes/raisins greens         horseradish     kale         Lamb's quarter
 lentils        millet         mushrooms (shiitake, reishii)           
 nuts & seeds   oats/oatstraw
 oil (uncooked) canola oil     flax seed oil   olive oil    sesame oil
 onion          orange peel    parsley         pineapple    potatoes   
 purslane       radishes/daikon                rhubarb      rice (brown)
 rutabaga/Swede rye            Seasoning herbs & kelp       soybeans*
 spinach        squash         stinging nettle strawberries sunflower sds.
 sweet potatoes green tea      tomatoes        turnips      watercress
 wheat/wheat grass             winter squash   yogurt [ORGANIC]
 [*  make sure the soy product is organic (including not genectically
  modified); researcher Dr. David Zava asserts that miso and tempeh
  are to be preferred over other forms of soy products; soy is one of
  the top 10 allergy foods and it is best to consume it in moderation]

Do not make any changes affecting your health without first consulting
with a trusted medical professional.

copyright Brent Rooney ( [email protected] )