CHOO Radio Recollections

An on line scrapbook of images & text for former staff and listeners alike


ERIC'S PAGES, PART 1 (Update May 2014)

Longtime CHOO Country announcer "Eric Anderson" (the on air alias of Eric George Collisson throughout the 1980s) passed away on May 11th, 2014. We invite former staff and listeners to write in with their memories of Eric which we will post later.

In the meantime, here are some visual CHOO memories Eric sent along last year. When you look at them, think of Eric!


(LEFT) Poster, 1980. This was for the first ever Cook-Off. Eric said "The real star of the Cook-Offs was Joe 'Conrad' Frechette who organized the heck out of things".

(BELOW) Eric's CHOO business card and press pass, circa early 1980s.

(FURTHER BELOW) CHOO "liner" cards read live on air, circa early 1980s. (Scan by David Webster).

We will feature more photos from Eric on subsequent pages.

Eric had also promised written memories which, alas, he never got around to sending.