Last year your international association passed the following resolution concerning learning of Esperanto, yet again:


WHEREAS a democratic world federation requires the exchange of ideas among

everyone in the world community,

WHEREAS the Esperanto movement supports the World Federalist ideals of world

citizenship and the equal rights of all members of the world community,

WHEREAS this organization [WFM] in 1977 adopted a resolution supporting the

use of Esperanto by World Federalists,

WHEREAS the World Federalist Movement is a member of the Coalition for an

International Auxiliary Language,

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the World Federalist Movement encourage its members to

learn the non-national language Esperanto.)


Perhaps I overlooked something, but in a recent search of your Vancouver

web-site I was not able to find any link to Esperanto Associations at any

level - international, national or here in Vancouver.

In fact, the only items dealing with language I could find were in the Q & A

section from Riley Park Youth, #20 and #21 (which show a not very profound

understanding of the issues involved). Our international HQ in Rotterdam has

once again asked us to try and make contact with local world federalists,

and at least make our presence known and getting some informed reaction to

this resolution of your own association.

Our Vancouver website listed below contains a résumé of the Prague

Manifesto, and links to more information than you could ever want about

Esperanto and language issues. Thank you for considering adding this link to

your Vancouver page.

Amike salutas via

B.D. Kaneen

for Vancouver Esperanto Society


Info nun en 57 lingvoj:http://www.esperanto.net

Kanada Esperanto-Asocio: http://www.esperanto.ca/kea

Vancouver: http://esperanto.memlink.ca

World Federalists of Canada - Vancouver Branch

e-mail [email protected]

URL: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/wfcvb/library.html