Instructions to a spiritual inquirer from Sri Nisargadatta: Page 240:

I am now 74 years old and yet I feel that I am an infant.I feel clearly that in spite of all the changes I am a child. My Guru told me: "That child, which is you even now, is your real self(swarupa). Go back to that state of pure being, where the I am is still in its purity, before it got contaminated with "this I am" or "that I am". Your burden is of false self-identifications - abandon them all! My guru told me - "Trust me. I tell you; You are Divine. Take it as the absolute truth. Your joy is Divine: Your suffering is Divine too. All comes from God. Remember it always. You are God. Your will alone is done". I did believe him and soon realised how wonderfully true and accurate were his words. I did not condition my mind by thinking " I am God. I am wonderful. I am beyond". I simply followed his instruction, which was to focus the mind on pure being "I am " and stay in it. I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the I AM in my mind and soon peace and joy and a deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it, all disappeared - myself, my Guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained and unfathomable silence.

Your expectation of something unique and dramatic, of some wonderful explosion, is merely hindering and delaying your Self Realization. You are not to expect an explosion, for the explosion has already happened - at the moment when you were born, when you realized yourself as Being-Knowing-Feeling. There is only one mistake you are making: you take the inner for the outer and the outer for the inner. What is in you, you take to be outside you and what is outside, you take to be in you. The mind and feelings are external, but you take them to be intimate.You believe the world to be objective, while it is entirely a projection of you psyche. That is the basic confusion and no new explosion will set it right! You have to think yourself out of it. There is no other way.

Watch your thoughts as you watch the street traffic. People come and go; you register without response It may not be easy in the beginning, but with some practice you will find that your mind can function on many levels at the same time and you can be aware of them all. It is only when you have a vested interest in any particular level, that your attention gets caught in it and you black out on other levels. Even then, the work on the blacked out levels goes on, outside the field of consciousness. Do not struggle with your memories and thoughts. Try only to include in your field of attention the other, more important questions, like "Who am I?", "How did I happen to be born?" "Whence this universe around me?" "What is real and what is momentary?" No memory will persist if you lose interest in it.It is the emotional link that perpetuates the bondage.

You are always seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, always after happiness and peace.Don't you see that it is your very search for happiness that makes you feel miserable? Try the other way: Indifferent to pain and pleasure, neither asking nor refusing, give all your attention to the level on which "I AM" is timelessly present.Soon you will realise that peace and happiness are in your very nature and it is only seeking them through some particular channels that disturbs.  Avoid the disturbance, that is all.There is no need to seek: You would not seek what you are already have. You yourself are God, the Supreme Reality.

To begin with, trust me, trust the teacher. It enables you to make the first step - and then your trust is justified by your own experience. In every walk of life, initial trust is essential; without it, little can be done. Every undertaking is an act of faith. Even your daily bread you eat on trust. By remembering what I told you,  you will achieve everything. I am telling you again: You are the all pervading, all transcending reality. Behave accordingly: think, feel and act in harmony with the whole and the actual experience of what I say will dawn upon you in no time! No effort is needed. Have faith and act on it.

Please see that I want nothing from you.It is in your own interest that I speak, because above all you love yourself, you want yourself secure and happy. Don't be ashamed of it, don't deny it. It is natural and good to love oneself.Only you should know what exactly you love. It is not the body that you love, it is Life - perceiving, feeling , thinking, doing, loving, striving, creating. It is that Life you love, which is you, which is all. Realize it in its totality, beyond all divisions and limitations, and all your desires will merge in it, for the greater contains the smaller. Therefore, find yourself; for in finding that, you find all.

Everybody is glad to be, but few know the Fullness of it. You come to know by dwelling in your mind on "I AM", "I KNOW" "I LOVE" - with the will of reaching the deepest meaning of these words.
