Starting your own Group
Protected by Copyright (C) - I.M.S. - 1998

The International Meditation Society is happy to assist you in creating and running your own meditation group.  Usually, we recommend that the groups meet on Tuesday evenings and begin their practice at 7.30 pm.  In this way, the effect of many people using the same visualisations at the same time is very strong indeed and World Peace is that more assured.  The techniques, which are described below, are very simple and since they are guided, beginners and experts alike will find them easy.

At the personal level, individual healings are often a matter of Karma and so one can NEVER say that a person WILL be cured.  Only that the energy will be sent.  Some people are ill for Karmic reasons (don't forget all those around them) and although they are not cured completely (except perhaps for a couple of seconds), their suffering will be reduced.  Also, if it is felt that the intended recipient is receptive to the idea of remote healing, it is often of great benefit to inform them of the group's meeting time and date, asking them to be particularly passive and receptive for the half hour or so needed for Stage One (see below).

True meditation begins only when the mind becomes still, i.e. no thoughts at all.  Everything before this stillness of the mind, comes under the heading of concentration (dharana in sanskrit), which includes therefore all so-called meditation techniques!  The technique you are about to study involves the accumulation of the life-force called prana or chi.  Once enough prana has been acquired by the group, it is sent on to its destination, which, initially, is a group of sick people, whose names appear on a list before the group.  After that a similar process is used to imbue the Earth itself with peace, healing and love.  Following the latter, a period of silence (about 30 minutes is allowed for real personal meditation, which often is remarkable, due to the pre-conditioning of the consciousness by the selfless service just performed for the whole world.

  1. A list of people's names, who are known to be ill, preferably, but not necessarily known to someone in the group, is prepared; known as the "Healing list".
  2. Everyone sits in a circle, preferably cross-legged, seated on very firm cushions (such as zafus, zabutons etc.): The knees should be almost touching.  For those who need to, it is possible to seat oneself on a chair.  In the latter case, it is more convenient if everyone uses a chair as will soon become apparent.  Ideally, for reasons of balanced energy, opposite sexes should sit next to one another, although it is not essential.  The Healing list is placed in the centre of the circle.
  3. The leader of the group, (i.e. the person who does almost all the speaking) now says an opening prayer, which includes thoughts of welcome, with visualizations of the arrival of clouds of white light in the room, representing our brothers and sisters of the Great White Brotherhood, whose spiritual evolution is equal to or greater than our own, who come each week to add their light to ours in this great work.
  4. Optional: Next each person gazes into a glass of water, taking deep breaths and holding the breath as long as possible.  The glass, which will act like a crystal ball, especially with the breathing, must be held so that the end of the thumbs and forefingers is below the waterline.  Each person imagines two lines of white light crossing in the centre of the water, coming from the ends of the thumbs and forefingers.  After a little practice, these rays will be seen, along with other psychic phenomena such as moving points of light in the water.  Continuing to gaze into the water, the practitioner waits for images etc., which often convey messages, meaningful to the practitioner, from the spirit guides present or the Inner Self.  One of the by-products of this practice, is to increase the psychic awareness and improves the meditation done later.  The exercise should last only about 5 - 10 minutes, at the end of which, one half of the water is drunk and the glass put aside till later. [Often, the water is changed by the guides for our benefit, a fact which is evidenced by a changed in the taste of the water.]
  5. Then each person places their left hand, palm UP, on their own left knee in a relaxed fashion, whilst extending the right arm to the right and holding their right hand, palm DOWN, above the left hand of the person to their right.  Thus a vertical column of energy, golden yellow in colour will be felt and eventually seen, in between the hands of all participants.  Everyone is instructed by the leader of the group to imagine that they are receiving energy from their left and passing it on to their right and that with each breath taken, they inhale more GOLDEN YELLOW light in through the top of the head and pass that on to the right also.  It is sometimes useful to raise the right hand whilst inhaling, imagining that one is lengthening the column of yellow light under it and then lowering that hand whilst exhaling, imagining that the column becomes thicker and brighter.  Generally, the hands are NOT brought into contact with each other; the separation varying between about two and eight inches.  Even total beginners can generally feel the energy flow, often as a tingling sensation or as one of a cool or sometimes hot current.

- STAGE ONE - The Healing List.
  1. Once the energy is strong enough, the leader then requests everyone to visualise themselves surrounded by a pyramid or cone of this yellow light and also a cone over the Healing list in the centre. With each breath taken, the lights are seen to be getting stronger.
  2. The next visualisation, involves seeing the pyramids joining to form a doughnut shaped ring of energy, inside of which everyone is seated.
  3. Then the hole in the centre is filled in and the resulting ball of golden yellow light expanded to fill the room, thus enclosing in golden yellow light, the guides and others without bodies, who are seen to be standing in a circle behind the members of the group.
  4. Throughout these visualisations, each person is deep breathing (ideally the "Complete Yogic Breath), holding the breath as long as possible, breathing always through through the nostrils only. [See for reference, books on Pranayama or Yogic breathing].
  5. Once it is felt that the light is strong enough by the leader, the colour of the light is changed to a Royal Blue, symbolising Healing and Peace. The group is requested to see also that the "Healing List" has been transformed into the image of a circular stage in the centre of the group, with a number of people standing on it.  They are, of course those whose names appear on the healing list.  Please be sure to visualise everyone on that stage AS ALREADY HEALED and IN PERFECT HEALTH.  [The latter is important, since seeing them any other way can sometimes have the effect of reinforcing their problem instead of helping them.]
  6. Then, each person points the palms of their hands towards the stage at the centre and visualises a beam of Royal Blue light going from each palm to the stage.  These blue beams can be focussed inside the bodies or around them.  The members of the group then work on each person on the stage known to them personally and then do the unknown people, BODY and AURA until each person on the stage is seen as being completely blue, inside and out.  So internal organs are blue, skin, skeleton, blood, etc etc etc including the aura are blue:  This symbolising a state of profound health and peace within their bodies.
  7. The colour of the ball of light, which also encloses the beings without bodies (who are in a circle around the physical group members) is now changed to a ROSE PINK, symbolising Love, in particular Divine love.  The latter is now sent to the people on the stage down three rays, one from the heart chakra, and one from each palm, until each person is seen glowing with pink light. It helps to instruct the group to send feelings of Love along with the light.
  8. After the pink light, the colour of the group's ball of light is then changed to WHITE light, symbolising raised consciousness and divinity.  This light is also sent as three beams to those on the stage, one from the heart chakra and one fron each palm: It leaves each person on the stage glowing with white light.  However, since our true nature is actually white light (as seen from elevated states of consciousness or the fifth dimension), the group visualises everyone disappearing into the general white light of the ball, the stage and the people being replaced by a strong concentration of white at the centre of the group's image of white light. This ends the individual healing.

  1. The starting point for this visualisation is with the group mentally seated in a circle inside a ball of bright white light, as one finds at the end of STAGE ONE.  The hands may be placed in the lap and the group told to become very relaxed.  At the centre of the light is now seen our planet, slowly turning in space, surrounded by shells of royal blue, pink and white light.  The group is now instructed to imagine themselves on the surface of the planet anywhere and whilst looking around, to notice that the sky has turned to Royal Blue and all the life forms and objects, even to the centre of the Earth, as the blue healing light descends into the atmoshere, infusing everything with peace and harmony and healing; also that the people and their auras have turned blue. One may suggest that all war and aggressive behaviour has temporarily ceased.
  2. Optional: At this time, it is quite acceptable for individual group members to offer prayers out loud for peace and healing, if they so wish, especially mentioning people in the news or groups like orphans, people in prison etc.
  3. Then the group's attention is drawn to their own physical location with the suggestion that the blue light is filling the room and their bodies and installing perfect health, peace and harmony into every cell, molecule and atom pf their bodies, physical and non-physical.  Everyone is asked to visualize the interior of their own body, full of blue light and to see an extra strong light around the HEART CHAKRA, which will be like a battery of peace and healing, which can be used in the coming week to help others and oneself.
  4. The same visualization is now performed for the pink light in the atmosphere, which spreads love throughout the world.  It too fills the bodies of the group members, installing an extra stong battery of energy in a shell of pink light around the blue already there.
  5. Again the same visualization is performed with the white light, with the exception that at the end, given the true nature of the white light, all is converted into white light.  Thus this activity ends with everyone and everything in the Earth is transformed into white light with no form or images or outlines to see.  Thus the whole Earth and all its life forms are now seen as one consciousness, a great ball of white light.

  1. Starting with a visualised image of the whole World as a great ball of white light with rays of Gold, Blue and Pink light inside, the group now concentrates on the idea of expanding that light in all directions across the universe, absorbing all planets, stars and Galaxies into itself and becoming brighter as the expansion continues.  Thoughts of love and peace are sent to all life forms encountered on other planets etc.  The idea of movement beyond the speed of light at the speed of thought is cultivated and the group may use a chant of a Mantra to increase their own vibrations whilst expanding across the Universe.
  2. Optional: Any Mantra is acceptable.  The one often used is the famous Ram mantra:

  3. Shri Ram, Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram Om, chanted slowly with feeling.

    It is essentially saying Praise the Lord and Victory to God.  It uses the Sanskrit language which is well suited to raising a persons spiritual vibrations in a controlled and predictable way.  This chanting, done out loud by the group, has an effect rather similar to singing a hymn for devout Christians, when done with much love for God and should last no longer than 5 minutes.

  4. Suddenly, the whole sky becomes full of white light and with the realisation that it is simply the same light that is now everywhere in the universe, all further thought of movement is ceased.
  5. At this point, optionally, the leader may talk the group through the remainder of the "Nine things to do before meditating".  It improves the quality of the real meditation to come.  Contact the IMS for details.
  6. Now the leader leaves the group in silence for personal meditation for about one half hour and then uses Om to signal to the group to retrace the movement across the Universe, recreating space in its conventional appearance and collapsing and concentrating the light back to a very bright ball, about 12 feet across with everyone inside.
  7. After a few moments to savour the intense light, each person feels themselves being pulled backwards, out of the light and back into the physical body.  As each person feels their own body, they are instructed to visualise a tube of light connecting their solar plexus to the ball of light in front and to absorb all the white light from the ball of light with each in-breath, filling their own image with light until the ball has disappeared.  During the latter few minutes, the group leader can utter a prayer of thanks to God, the Cosmic or whatever each person imagines as Divine, for the opportunity to serve in this way and to thank those brothers and sisters of the great white light for their participation.
  8. The group members now open their eyes and drink the remaining half of the glass of water, noting any differences in taste from the first half.  This terminates the meditation and the evening.  People may share experiences they have had during the evening.  If the group starts at 7.30pm (local time), they should be finished by 9.00p.m.

Dear reader, may the Divine shower you and your spiritual efforts with special blessings and much success!
Final note: It is our experience, that the greatest success goes to those who are able to repeat the same activity at the same time and day, each week.  The greatest participation from those advanced soul personalities from the light occurs when the group vibations are very HARMONIOUS; i.e. same people, same time, same place.
....... HARI Ommmmmmmmm! .......

Swamiji may be available to visit with your group and help with workshops etc.  However, his expenses have to be covered in some way.  Perhaps a series of visits can be put together to make a tour and thus keep expenses to a minimum.

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