Cedar Cottage, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
22 December 2000
KCC CityPlan Committee c/o Anne Roberts, Chair
Mayor and City Council 453 W. 12th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1V4
Re. Gibby’s Field
Dear Mayor Owen and Councillors: The Kensington/Cedar Cottage CityPlan Committee voted at its December meeting to support the Gibby’s Field Group’s call for a moratorium on the sale and/or development of Gibby’s Field at 1460 East 18th Ave. As you know, Gibby’s Field, comprising about three and a half city lots, is the last remnant of the historical China Creek river system. More than 40 neighbours have enthusiastically embraced a vision of transforming the lots into a park that preserves a piece of exposed creek of historical significance, restores native plants to create bird and butterfly habitat and provides an educational and recreational setting for the adjacent school. KCC’s vision emphasizes the need to create places that reintroduces nature to balance the urban paved environment of much of KCC. Approved vision directions include: 24.1: “More greening should occur in a wide range of public places to improve community appearance; make spaces more pleasant and useable; compensate for the traffic and wide areas of pavement; and promote better air quality and storm water control.” 24.2: Community action should be a major force in making greening happen. In addition to undertaking practical projects, volunteer effort should go into educating, landscape stewardship and different cultural values.” Our committee is convinced that the efforts of the Gibby’s Field Group is entirely consistent with these goals. And we support its call for a moratorium to give it time to explore all community resources that could be pplied toward preserving the site for the benefit of our community. Thank you for your urgent consideration of this matter
Sincerely yours <signature>
Anne Roberts, Chair KCC CityPlan Committee
cc. Mavis Dixon, Gibby’s Field Group