The Amazon Wilderness School  logoaws.gif (3114 bytes)

The Amazon Wilderness School is intended for people to come, enjoy and learn to treasure the wild areas of Brazil. It is the polar opposite choice to  plastic afternoon hotel tours, and is not designed to be "for all tastes and abilities". It is a true adventure into a magnificent ancient forest.

A reason more people do not visit the Amazon are the multiple and widespread misconceptions about the Amazon in general. It can be an area of great mystery and romance, but it is also the home of more than 3 million Brazilians plus an indigenous population, in an area almost the size of the continental US.  These people live normal, modern lives in cities and towns as modern as any in the world. With hospitals, and schools, and things as un-mysterious as traffic and as unromantic as income tax returns.

Unfortunately, the media continue to emphasize the sensational,... as they are inclined to do. For example; It is true there are "tropical diseases and poisonous snakes" but this is true in the same degree in most of the rest of Africa, South East Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East. Yet the very nature of the Amazons' fame keeps it seperate and special, and perhaps that is just as well.

cs-sigh.gif (17994 bytes)
One of Chuck's
many confrontations
with a "naked savage"

I would like to personally invite you to read on thorough this site, and better yet, join us in the forest as a student of the AWS for a time you will never forget.


Chuck Scott
Executive Director
Amazon Wilderness School


Reach Brazil: Web Consulting and Marketing in English and Portuguese: Carmo Scott Consulting
Copyright �1996 by Amazon Wilderness School - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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