Penticton Lakeside Resort Convention Centre & Casino

21 Lakeshore Dr. West,

Penticton, BC V2A 7M5

(250) 493-8221 Fax: (250) 493-0607

Toll Free: 1-800-663-9400

Email: [email protected]


When making a reservation, tell them you are with POABC

For other Hotels in the Penticton area, surf to:


April 26, Friday evening:

April 27, Saturday

(And they aren't talking to each other). Bev Roest is retired from a long career in corrections. She was the Local Manager of several Probation Offices, Regional Staff Development Officer, Director of Twin Maples (women's prison camp) ARU, Stave Lake, Burnaby Women's Custody Centre. She is currently working as a coach and trainer.

April 28, Sunday

9:00 - 12:00 The Annual General Meeting of the

British Columbia Probation Officers Association (Agenda available upon registration)

Non-members welcome to join: $40.00 is the Annual membership in our Professional Association

MAP to the Resort:

Location of the Lakeside Resort


**aegis, ē'jis, n. [Gr. Aigis.] Among the ancient Greeks the shield of Zeus; in later times part of the armor of Pallas Athena, a kind of breastplate; hence, anything that protects or shields, protecting power or influence. A word used by Jamie Reid, (the biker PO and union activist).


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