Happy summer to all you hard working PO's. I hope you have a great summer and enjoy some well-deserved time off!!! The POABC has had a wonderful year so far. We recharged our batteries with a fantastic AGM/Conference in March this year. We were very fortunate to have partial funding from Darrell Plecas and the wonderful Criminology Department at the University College of the Fraser Valley. We had over 100 attendees and participants and had some amazing panel and individual presentations. Gracing us with their presence included MP Randy White and MLA Chuck Cadman and Judge Stephen Point. Enclosed is an article that Family Justice Counsellor Lia Versaevel submitted to the POABC on a presentation on collaborative divorce. It's a great critique of the presentation. Thanks a bunch Lia! Once again proof that the POABC is not only of interest to PO's but attracts other professionals as well. The RCMP training facility in Chilliwack was an amazing venue and the Executive unanimously decided that we would in fact be returning to this site for our 2004 Conference. It was centrally located, had great facilities and reasonable priced. We hope to get increasing support from Management to allow staff to get more time off to attend the event and reimburse expenses. The 2003 Conference was on a Sunday and Monday allowing attendees to attend the whole event or a part depending on their availability.

We would like to welcome two new Associate members to our organization this month!

Neil Jacobsen, a Probation & Parole Officer from the Government of New Brunswick in Fredericton. Neil began his probation career in 1997 at Surrey North Adult and later at Abbotsford and Mission Youth. June Jones (Surrey North Adult) and Barry Neufeld (Abbotsford Youth) trained him well. He became a Sex Offender specialist in New Brunswick!!

Neil and his wife Jenny on Bra'dor lakes, near Baddeck, Nova Scotia. The Alexander Graham Bell Estate is visible in the background










Kevin Grandy sent in $10.00 American and plans to visit Victoria Community Corrections this month. He is a Probation Supervisor in Kitsap County District Court Probation. Port Orchard, Washington.

We look forward to seeing those of you who attended the 2003 Conference at our event next year and those that were not able to make it, we hope to see you in 2004! It looks like the Conference will once again be held in March/April depending on facility availability. We are exploring such exciting topics as Internet Safety, Drug Court, RCMP drug expert Scott Rintoul, motivational interviewing, and restorative justice. Bookmark our website in your Favourites and keep an eye on us!! Feel free to contact us and forward any ideas you may have. Not a member yet? Has your membership expired or you know someone who is interested in joining? Remember that other professionals can join as associate members! What are you waiting for! Registration information is available on our website. Remember July 14-18 is Probation and Parole Officer's Week. Don't forget that you provide an invaluable service and deserve recognition! Keep up the great work and have a great year!

Yours truly,

Darryl Persello

POABC Secretary

POABC website www.poabc.ca

Email: [email protected]