Abortion 'Safety' Hoax 

                 JAVA Newsletter    (14 August 2002)
              ( Brent Rooney    [email protected] )

     Abortion 'Safety' Hoax chucks 16,000 Women into caskets

   "In reality abortion is already one of the safest procedures
a woman  can have--less risky than  penicillin, and  much safer
than  having a baby."  (The  Quiet War on  Abortion  (Sept/Oct.
2001, Barry Yeoman, Mother Jones)  There  are literally  dozens
of studies reporting that women with elective  abortions have a
lower total 12 month death risk  than women who deliver babies,
correct?  No, not  dozens, not 5 or 6, not even 1 or 2, but, in
fact, zero! In 1997 the top Scandinavian medical journal in the
field of women's health reported a very 'surprising' result for
Finnish women with  induced abortions compared to  childbearing

  Increased relative risk for women with elective abortions

  Total death risk:  +252%
  Suicide risk:      +546%
  Accidental death:  +324%
  Homicide risk:    +1299%  (Acta Obstet Gyn Scand 1997;76:651-657)

Finnish study vs. U.S studies

   Why concentrate  on the  1997  Finnish study?  Let's  compare
the Finnish  study to the 1982 "Cates" study  published in 'JAMA'
(Journal of the American Medical Association  1982;248:192-196):

                       Finnish Study  "Cates" study

 All causes of death?       YES       NO (70%-80% deaths excluded)
 Followup period            52 weeks  6 weeks
 National abortion          YES       NO
   registry used?
 Equal followup for         YES       NO (childbearing women followed
   both groups?                           7.67 times longer)

If 'Alice' has an induced abortion  in Finland, that fact is re-
corded in the national abortion registry. If 'Alice' dies within
a few weeks or months after her  'termination', medical personel
can easily know if she had a recent elective abortion.  For exam-
ple, if the cause of death was a suicide, doctors may well  sus-
pect "Alice's" abortion  contributed  to her death.  In the U.S.
there is no  national abortion registry, so reliably  connecting
an  abortion caused death to an abortion is,  at best, a 'hit or
miss' affair.

'Tip of the Iceberg'

   The 1982 "Cates" study presumes (!) that how a pregnancy ends
has no effect on the risk of the top four killers of young women:
accidents, homicide,  suicide, cancer.  Consider suicide risk. 3
published studies  report a very much elevated  suicide risk for
women with prior elective abortions:

     Country   Suicide risk

     Wales     +225%
     USA       +160%
     Finland   +546%

Combined, the four top killers  of young U.S. women  account for
~70%-80% of all young female deaths.  The Finnish study includes
all causes of deaths whereas the "Cates" study excludes  the top
four killers of young females. "Cates" also only  counted deaths
during  the 6 weeks after  'pregnancy end'  whereas the  Finnish
researchers counted deaths for 8.67 times longer (i.e. 52 weeks).

A Hoax?

   Some abortion clinics claim that compared to delivering a new-
born elective abortion  is ten times safer (for the mother).  To
continue  spreading  this false  information  with zero 12 month
total death studies to support it, represents a deadly hoax. How
deadly? If one ignores the long term breast cancer risk of abor-
tion, the 12 month 'after' death risk  has taken over 16,000 U.S.
lives of women over the last 2 decades.

Exposing the myth/hoax of abortion 'safety'

   Supporters of  abortion 'safety'  are being  challenged  via a
contest to provide just one citation to a published study finding
lower 12 month death risk for women with elective abortions.  The
prize is $444 to the  first one to  correctly cite such a  study.
Contest details are located at:


    Since a full-term birth at a young age reduces a woman's risk
of ovarian cancer, breast cancer and suicide, it is not  abortion
but birth that is therapeutic to the mom.


Brent Rooney (medical researcher)
Reduce Preterm Risk Coalition
Vancouver, Canada
[email protected]
