#!/usr/bin/perl #iControl vcmp Vincent v.li@f5.com, 2013-02-05 use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; #use SOAP::Lite + trace => qw(method debug); use SOAP::Lite; use MIME::Base64; #set global variable $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} to workaround the SSL verification restriction # and modified SSL.pm to remove the SSL verification alert, got better idea ? #may need to copy iControlTypeCast.pm from iControl sdk to local /usr/local/lib BEGIN { $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} = 0; push( @INC, "/usr/local/lib" ); } use iControlTypeCast; #generate a random fourth octet for guest management ip my $oct = int( rand(255) ); #generate random guest name starting with ivcmp my @chars = ( "a" .. "z" ); my $string = "ivcmp"; $string .= $chars[ rand @chars ] for 1 .. 3; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # default settings user can change #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $sPort = "443"; my $sUID = "admin"; my $sPWD = "admin"; my $sProtocol = "https"; my $soapResponse; my $vlans_ref = [ "esnet-ext", "esnet-int" ]; #vlans assign to guest my $netmask = ""; #guest management ip netmask my $host = ''; my $mgmt = "10.3.210.$oct"; my $guest = "$string"; my $hostname = "$string.cluster1.es.f5net"; my $images = 'BIGIP-'; my $gateway = ''; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # default settings end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $create; my $del; my $rmvdisk; my $help; GetOptions( "help|?" => \$help, "host|h=s" => \$host, "mgmt|m=s" => \$mgmt, "guest|g=s" => \$guest, "images|im=s" => \$images, "gateway|gw=s" => \$gateway, "vlans|v=s@" => \$vlans_ref, "create|c" => \$create, "del|d" => \$del, "rmvdisk|r" => \$rmvdisk, ); usage() if ( defined $help or @ARGV < 0 ); sub usage { print "Unknown option: @_\n" if (@_); print "usage: $0 --help|? \t\thelp message --host|-h \t\thypervisor management ip --mgmt|-m \t\tguest management ip, if not given, random mgmt ip 10.3.210.xxx assigned --guest|-g \t\tguest name,if not given, random ivcmpxxx name generated --hostname|-hn \t\tguest fqdn hostname, if not given 'ivcmpxxx.cluster1.es.f5net' assigned --images|-im \t\tguest initial image, for example 'BIGIP-' --gateway|-gw \t\tguest management gateway --vlans|-v \t\tvlans assigned to guest, for example '--vlans vlan1 --vlans vlan2' --create|-c \t\tcreate guest, if only given -c option, a random guest name ivcmpxxx and random mgmt ip 10.3.210.xxx assigned --del|-d \t\tdelete guest, must give --guest/-g for specific guest --rmvdisk|-r \t\tremove virtual disk image, must give --guest/-g for specific guest \n"; exit; } vcmpCreate() if ( defined $create ); vcmpDelete() if ( defined $del ); vdiskDelete() if ( defined $rmvdisk ); # GetInterface #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetInterface() { my ( $sHost, $module, $name ) = @_; my $Interface = SOAP::Lite->uri("urn:iControl:$module/$name")->readable(1) ->proxy("$sProtocol://$sHost:$sPort/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"); #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attempt to add auth headers to avoid dual-round trip #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- eval { $Interface->transport->http_request->header( 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode( "$sUID:$sPWD", '' ) ); }; return $Interface; } sub vcmpCreate { my ($sHost) = $host; my $vcmp = &GetInterface( "$sHost", "System", "VCMP" ); $soapResponse = $vcmp->create( SOAP::Data->name( guests => ["$guest"] ), SOAP::Data->name( hostnames => ["$hostname"] ), SOAP::Data->name( images => ["$images"] ), SOAP::Data->name( addresses => [ { address => "$mgmt", netmask => "$netmask" } ] ), SOAP::Data->name( gateways => ["$gateway"] ), SOAP::Data->name( vlans => [ [@$vlans_ref] ] ), ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "VCMP guest $guest created successfully\n"; $soapResponse = $vcmp->set_guest_state( SOAP::Data->name( guests => ["$guest"] ), SOAP::Data->name( states => ["VCMP_GUEST_STATE_DEPLOYED"] ), ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "VCMP guest $guest deployed set successfully\n"; } sub vcmpDelete { my ($sHost) = $host; my $vcmp = &GetInterface( "$sHost", "System", "VCMP" ); $soapResponse = $vcmp->delete_guest( SOAP::Data->name( guests => ["$guest"] ), ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "VCMP guest $guest delete successfully\n"; } sub vdiskDelete { my ($sHost) = $host; my $vcmp = &GetInterface( "$sHost", "System", "VCMP" ); $soapResponse = $vcmp->get_virtual_disk_list(); &checkResponse($soapResponse); my @vdlist = @{ $soapResponse->result }; foreach my $vd (@vdlist) { my $slot_id = $vd->{"slot_id"}; my $filename = $vd->{"filename"}; if ( $filename eq "$guest.img" ) { $soapResponse = $vcmp->delete_virtual_disk( SOAP::Data->name( disks => [ { slot_id => "$slot_id", filename => "$guest.img" }, ] ), ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "VCMP virtual disk $guest.img delete successfully\n"; } } } sub checkResponse() { my ($soapResponse) = (@_); if ( $soapResponse->fault ) { print $soapResponse->faultcode, " ", $soapResponse->faultstring, "\n"; exit(); } }