The future of humanity is the end of the crony profit driven society which has caused all suffering and war througout history. The New Age is an Age of tolerance and understanding that our collective worldly lives of one another has been elevated past the dictates of money. Greed and special treatment of the rich selfish interests cannot exist in a truly free global realm. An open transparent system of governments that empower the individual and considers the voice of all not just the few. A holographic power structure of governance instead of the outdated pyramid structure empowering all not just the whims of the minority. We, all humanity, as sanctient beings possess an inherent universal right to freedom and liberty. And to not have our natural rights oppressed nor censored nor assulted. In a free and open global society there is no place for secrecy or favoitism. All decisions must reflect the exacting consensus of one hundred percent of the people. Law and legislation will meet with the consent of citizens without preference to the private interest. Laws are for everyone without prejudice to economic standing. Offences related to law are applied to all without prejudice to economic standing. The New Age is the Age where mankind finally evolves beyond the errors of our past and steps into the future.