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Branch History Introduction

Note from Norm Tucker:
You know, I sit back and from a distance, and from an un-engaged reality, read the various and increasing notes that you send my way. I agree with the concepts of WF, and I wonder about the perspectives and diversity of all the members, but what really fascinates me, is their experiences, stories, recollections, and how that adds up to their current beliefs and why they are part of WF. I think it is the stories told with a twinkle in the eye, or with a fond remembrance, that ultimately reveal a passion for freedom, justice, equality to this ageing cynic and curmudgeon.
Cheers, Norm

Response from Larry Kazdan:
Beautifully put, Norm. And we need to capture the stories not only of the longtime members, but the new people as they come along. So all you readers out there, please write up your 1 page note on how,why, and when you became a world federalist so we have it for our archives and future publication. Thanks!

Response from Duncan Graham:
I have already put in my background on getting into WFC but impressed with Norm's insights on what makes people tick on what and how and why. World government and interplanetary travel were sometime intellectual discussions in a corner of the school playground 1945-47 before I was called into the RAF. We did not know what we were talking about but it was exciting. Leap ahead to early'80s. I was facilitating a discussion for a WFC/CIIC discussion pamphlet on international affairs for upcoming election. It was a beautiful sunny spring day in Ottawa and the meeting was in a gloomy rather dank church basement. I opened the meeting with the question "what on earth are you doing here on this gorgeous day blah blah.?" Round the circle we went and the replies and thoughts were synergistic and in line with Norm's ideas. One woman explained an episode of harassment and blatant unfair treatment of a colleague at her work. She kept silent and did nothing to support the victim. Afterwards she vowed she would never keep silent on injustice again - and that's why she was there. Thanks Norm for helping me to remember that afternoon.

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