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SUBJECT: Accessing directories without an ftp program
On Thu, Nov. 22, 2001 - 18:14:30, vol-admin wrote:

Today in the technical briefing we talked about how people without an ftp program can access their folders to view, download and upload their recovered data.

I found the page that Katie developed for us some time ago. It needed a teensy bit of editing, and has not been converted to html yet, which is why it wasn't yet in the volunteer manual.

I am including the Word version and I have also just loaded a pdf version into the Help section of the volunteer manual, (although the screenshots don't look so great)

Key is the last page, explaining access through Netscape and IE. Could others please see if they can work with this and figure out the parts where Katie has said "there seems to be no way of..."

If you can find the ways, or suggest ways around these problems, post it to perlboard, where I am posting this message (without the attachment, unfortunately) (

Once we've got it all sorted, could someone take on coding it into a Help Page?

cheers, all

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