Vancouver CommunityNet User Agreement
(November 1997)

  1.    I understand that I am participating in a community of users
        of the Vancouver CommunityNet system, and that it is essential
        for me to treat others in the community with humanity and
        respect. Therefore, while using the system,

        a.  I will conduct myself in a responsible, decent, ethical,
            and polite manner;

        b.  I will bear the primary responsibility for the information
            I choose to access, send, or display on the system; and

        c.  I will bear a responsibility to report instances where I
            feel abuses have occurred.

  2.    I understand that my use of the system is a privilege that is
        granted by the Board of Directors with the following conditions:

        a.  I have given true and accurate information on my
            registration form.

        b.  I am the only person to use my login ID and password.

        c.  I do not place unlawful materials on the system.

        d.  I do not use the system for commercial purposes, including
            transacting business, and advertising or selling commercial

        e.  I do not seek to establish a doctor/patient, lawyer/client,
            or similar relationship with any of the information
            providers or other users of the system.

        f.  I abide by such rules and regulations of system usage that
            may be publicly announced from time to time by the
            Vancouver Community Network. (VCN)

        g.  I do not put defamatory materials on the system, and I do
            not sue the VCN, and its Board of Directors and
            staff, if another user defames me on the system.

        h. I will not use the services of the VCN to promote views or
           access to groups promoting views which are discriminatory or
           hateful. I understand that the VCN may, at its absolute
           discretion, determine whether or not I have violated this 
           rule and decide to terminate my account. 

  3.    I understand that the VCN has the right to review, edit or 
	remove information stored in the system to which users
        have access.

  4.    I understand that the VCN does not guarantee that the functions 
	of the system will be error free or uninterrupted, or that it 
	will meet any specific requirements that I may have.

  5.    I understand that the VCN is not liable for any indirect,
	incidental, or consequential damages caused by the use or 
	operation of the system, or the inability to use the system.

  6.    I release the VCN, its Board of Directors and staff,
        and any institutions with which they are affiliated, from
        any and all claims of any nature arising from my use of the
        system, or from my inability to use the system.

  7.    I agree to compensate the VCN and its Board of Directors 
	for any loss suffered by any of them by my improper use 
	of the system.

  8.    I understand that if I do not adhere to the terms in this
        agreement, my privilege to use the system may be revoked.