Vancouver CommunityNet User Agreement

June 1999


The vision statement of the Vancouver Community Network (VCN) states that:

"VCN strives to be an inclusive, multicultural, community-based organization that ensures free, accessible electronic creation and exchange of the broadest range of information, experience, ideas and wisdom."

This user agreement outlines the responsibilities of both the community network and its users and members so that this vision statement reflects the reality of our community online.

My responsibilities as a member or user of VCN:

VCN's responsibilities as a community information provider

(This section does not apply to individual users)
I understand that if I do not follow the terms in this agreement, the Board of Directors may revoke my privilege to use the system.

Termination of accounts

  • Vancouver CommunityNet
  • What's New at VCN
  • Event Listings
  • Search
  • Revised: January 13, 2000