A Never-Ending Friendship



David Macemon Dec. 2013


Always and Forever Waltz: Ruth McLain






Duple minor longways, improper




(1 - 4)

1s cross and cast behind their 2s to below the “next” 2s WHILE

2s dance forward to meet, lead up, 2-hand turn ½, separate and face down


(5 - 6)

1s lead up the set to face their original 2s


(7 - 8)

Neighbour R-hand turn ¾ to end in a line across the set (M1 needs to let go of partner to make his hand available to turn the neighbour).  Finish facing the person you turned, men standing back to back in middle of the line.

(caller's view:  W1 M2 M1 W2)


(9 - 16)

Starting with R shoulder, full hey for 4


(1 - 8)

Full poussette (plus a little) clockwise (** see below**)

Women moving forward first, end the poussette in the set, M1 and W2 above, improper


(9 - 10)

With the same person, gypsy L, then women lead into …


(11 - 14)

L hand star ¾ (until all progressed), then men quick cast to the R into …


(15 - 16)

Partner gypsy R, finishing progressed


** Full poussete, plus a little **

(1 - 2)  Woman move forward a bit more than typical

(3 - 4)  Men move forward, until everyone is in the lines of the set (Do not stop, just notice that everyone is in line)

(5 - 6)  Men continue to move forward

(7 - 8)  Women move forward to end in set (M1 and W2 above)