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O'Reilly User Group Program Banner

VanDev is a member of O'Reilly's User Group Program and that brings benefits to our members including discounts and the opportunity to receive free books for review and for our door prize draws. Each month, the O'Reilly Newsletter delivers the latest news and events for User Group members, and a list of the newest book titles.

Recent Releases

Check out the latest newsletter from O'Reilly for recent releases that you might like to get hot-off-the press.  They are also especially hungry for reviews.

If the ISBN isn't shown then please follow the link for more details.  We cannot order without the ISBN.


Free Books for Review

O'Reilly offers free review copies of their books.  Read the book, write a review, and post it in a newsletter, web site, blog, mailing list, group library, or review site such as Amazon or Slashdot.  Pass O'Reilly a copy of the review and tell them where it's been posted.  You keep the book and O'Reilly is ready to send more.

Requests for review copies must be submitted by the designated contact for the group. To make a request contact the VanDev organizer (info at vandev dot org) and provide the book's title, ISBN, your name, address, phone number, and email address.  Allow at least 4 weeks for delivery.  The books can be shipped directly to you or you can arrange to pick them up from the organizer.

For tips and suggestions on writing book reviews, go to: http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html