Servants Anonymous Society, Surrey


*NEW* Click for more information!

ASK Learning Centre

The ASK Learning Centre is a full-time education and living skills program provided to our participants who stay in our residential program and is also open to other women in the community who may not necessarily need a safe house but who may benefit from the day program. These seats are restricted to females, but have no age limit.

The program provides each participant with an opportunity to learn the personal and occupational skills required to help them obtain and maintain employment, return to school, and/or raise their children on a full-time basis. Our programs are designed so that each participant can remain as long as it takes to successfully reach their goals. The learning centre provides a safe learning environment, especially for those participants who are not comfortable and/or welcome in a mainstream learning environment.

All programs include but are not limited to the elimination of the spiritual, physical, emotional, psychological, verbal, and sexual abuse of female youth at risk. New programs are added as need and funding are realized. Contact Linda Cunliffe for information on our other programs in need of funding support at


  Spring/Summer Program Schedule

Basic High School Academics

Ongoing registration, call now for information about September start

Surrey School District #36 has partnered with SAS Surrey to provide a full-time high school teacher for the ASK Learning Centre to offer basic academics for 15 female students from grades 8 through 12. This partnership enables the ASK Learning Centre to provide a safe, alternative learning environment to young women who may have difficulties completing their education in a traditional school setting. 

Open to ages 13-19, contact Verna Sutton for referral process and registration information at 604-576-1141.

Changing Patterns

**Ongoing registration for Group II**
Call Verna for eligibility criteria

Spaces still available!

Facilitated by Mary Pichette

Funded by the Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation

An educational support group focusing on changing self-defeating patterns of abuse (mental, emotional, verbal, physical, psychological and/or sexual, etc.), anger management, drug and alcohol recovery issues, and basic living skills.

Learn to understand the cycle of habits and make new choices through increased awareness. Build your self-esteem; develop new skills to increase your independence, confidence and personal empowerment. SAS Surrey offers one-on-one sessions for participants upon request.

Call Verna at 604-576-1141 for eligibility criteria and to set up intake interviews.

Recipes for Health and Well-Being

Call to be included in the next session!

Facilitated by Carol Henry, LPN

Promoting self-responsibility for women who are coping with compromised immune systems, either their own or a family member's (i.e. hepatitis, HIV/AIDS). This workshop provides hands-on education on disease process, prevention, protection, and includes a comprehensive care plan. This program is offered at no cost to women in the community who may be vulnerable or caring for loved ones with health issues. This program empowers individuals to take a proactive approach to health needs, and help them create healthier lives for themselves and their families.

Register at 604-576-1141
