The Tenth Annual General Meeting of the British Columbia Probation Officer's Association April 26-28, 2002

The AGM was held in Penticton at the Lakeside Resort Convention Centre & Casino.

Past President, David Thackray, originally, a Vancouver East End kid, now an Adult PO in Vernon BC Presided.

Barb Huston, A North Van Adult PO was treasurer




Karin Hartner, the Youth Conferencing PO from Burnaby Court Was Secretary: She tried to rent a Ski-Jet, but Penticton didn't have any in "STOCK" so elected the Alternative to do some Restorative Exercise in her kayak.




Also in Attendance were: Steve Anthony (Kamloops Adult) & Pam MacDonald (Kamloops Youth)

They attended and shared a lot of Good ideas: Especially about their joint project: SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR PROBATION OFFICERS

(Please share with your Occupational Health Committees!)



Katherine Wahlroth (now an Addictions counsellor with Youth Forensic Psychiatric Services) attended with a Steel Fabricator friend and shared her experience with addictions.

David Thackray , Blair Peden (Youth Probation) & Darlene Jamieson (Youth Probation) discuss the future of BCPOA.

Barry Neufeld, (MCFD Youth PO) fresh from a trip to a manic-depressive barber, reported on this BCPOA Webpage. (Alas! He showed up late, because some young thugs tried to break in his car by smashing all the windows.)


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