WHEREAS The quality of a democracy depends on the direct participation of individuals in the exercise of their democratic rights and responsibilities;

AND WHEREAS Government records and information are an invaluable resource which allow us to understand the present, plan intelligently for the future, and provide citizens with the means to measure the effectiveness and economy of programs while ensuring the accountability of public officials;

AND WHEREAS Access to government information and protection of privacy is essential for the protection of civil liberties and human rights and therefore the right to information must be regarded as fundamental and, without this right, other fundamental rights lose their meaning;

AND WHEREAS Information must not only be accessible by individuals but must also be broadly disseminated in easily usable formats to locations convenient for individual use;

AND WHEREAS Many different individuals and organizations have indicated their desire for open and accountable government, and their concern about personal privacy;

AND WHEREAS Public access to high-speed telecommunications networks, including access to community networks providing non-commercial information and providing options for creating and sharing community information, is now a requirement for participation in the new electronic information world;

AND WHEREAS Information Rights Week provides an opportunity to focus on these issues;

AND WHEREAS Many different individuals and organizations, including the Canadian Library Association, Provincial Library Associations, Freedom of Information & Privacy Associations, and Telecommunities Canada (Canadian FreeNets) support the proclamation of Information Rights Week.

NOW, THEREFORE I, ___________________

DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the week of April 28 - May 4, 1996 as


in the City of _____________________________

MAYOR _____________________________

This page last updated March 3, 1996.

Copyright � 1995 BCLA Information Policy Committee

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