Icons for the Campaign

Li Xiu-Ying (李秀英)


Li Xiu-Ying, victim of the Nanking Massacre in 1937. When she resisted being raped, 7 Japanese soldiers stabbed her over 30 times with bayonets. She almost died. 

一九三七年南京大屠殺期間,日兵欲強姦李秀英,她因反抗被扎 三十多刀,幾乎死去。


To educate younger generations, Li Xiu-Ying now 80 continues to bear witness to Nanking Massacre.

作為南京大屠殺的倖存者和親歷者,今年八十歲的李秀英仍經常 演講見證,教育民眾。